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Data release of geospatial map database and structural measurements for: Geologic map of the Osage SW 7.5' quadrangle, Newton, Madison, and Carroll counties, Arkansas

This dataset accompanies publication "Geologic map of the Osage SW 7.5' quadrangle, Newton, Madison, and Carroll counties, Arkansas". Data presented here include the digital geologic database and structural measurements including joints, deformation bands, and small faults collected during field investigation. These data support the following publication: Turner, K.J., and Hudson, M.R., 2018, Geo

Preliminary evaluation of behavioral response of nesting waterbirds to small unmanned aircraft flight

This dataset is comprised of 3 .csv files related to the use of unmanned aerial systems over waterbird colonies. Specifically, data detail the disturbance observed in birds during flights, the time required for traditional ground surveys to be conducted, and the distance at which birds flush during traditional ground surveys.

Pedestrian tsunami evacuation results for two tsunami-inundation zones (2009 and probable maximum tsunami (PMT)) and four travel speeds (slow walk, fast walk, slow run, and fast run) for American Samoa

This data release is comprised of a set of eight time travel map shapefiles (two tsunami inundation zones and four travel times) for use in GIS software applications and two population exposure by travel time tables (residents and nonresidences) for use in GIS software applications and other standalone spreadsheet applications. The travel time map was generated using the Pedestrian Evacuation Ana

Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) 2.0

The USGS Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is the nation's inventory of protected areas, including public open space and voluntarily provided, private protected areas, identified as an A-16 National Geospatial Data Asset in the Cadastral Theme ( PAD-US is an ongoing project with several published versions of a spatial databas

Exit and Paradise Glacier Foreland, Alaska River and Glacier Maps, Channel Surveys, Digital Elevation Model, and Orthophoto, 1800s-2013

The dynamics of the linked river systems draining Exit and Paradise Glaciers have been dependent on glacial and fluvial controls since the 1800s. This data release contains maps of historical Exit and Paradise creek and glacier positions, 2013 channel survey and particle size data, and a 2012 digital elevation model and orthophoto for the Exit and Paradise glacier forelands, Alaska.

Monthly Water Balance Model Hydrology Futures

The monthly water balance model (MWBM) was driven with precipitation and temperature for current and future conditions using the GMO/GSD dataset (Maurer, E.P., A.W. Wood, J.C. Adam, D.P. Lettenmaier, and B. Nijssen, 2002. A Long-Term Hydrologically-Based Data Set of Land Surface Fluxes and States for the Conterminous United States, Journal of Climatology 15) and selected general circulation models

Data for ground motions from induced earthquakes in Oklahoma and Kansas

The dataset comprises information about the magnitudes, distances and periods of ground motion measurements from an analysis of earthquake ground motions from induced events in Oklahoma and Kansas. The data set also includes ground motion residuals from comparing earthquake ground shaking with commonly used models for predicting ground motions in the U.S.

Data to Support Efficacy Studies of Injectable Tulathromycin for Reduction of Vertical Transmission of Renibacterium salmoninarum in Spring Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)

Bacterial kidney disease (BKD) caused by Renibacterium salmoninarum (Rs) occurs nearly worldwide where wild or cultured salmonid fishes are present. Control of BKD is confounded by its two modes of transmission, horizontal (fish-to-fish) and vertical (from female parent to progeny via the eggs). A highly successful BKD control strategy employed in Pacific Northwest hatcheries culturing spring Chin

Database of modified routing for NHDPlus version 2.1 flowlines: ENHDPlusV2_us

This database (ENHDPlusV2_us) contains a topologically reconditioned (enhanced) version of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) NHDPlus Version 2.1 (NHDPlusV2) flowline network. The comma separated file included in this release contains routing and stream connection information, with the intention of improving accuracy and networking capabilities.

Model Data Set and Executables Supporting the Journal Publication for "What Makes a First-Magnitude Spring?--Global Uncertainty Analysis of a Speleogenesis Model to Gain Insight into Karst Spring Genesis"

This data set provides the supporting data for the publication "What Makes a First Magnitude Sping?--Global Uncertainty Analysis of a Speleogenesis Model to Gain Insight into Karst Spring Genesis". This publication documents a speleogenesis model that was used to generate karst networks. Morris Method Global Sensitivity Analysis (MM-GSA) is used to efficiently sample input parameters to define a p

Subbottom and Sidescan Sonar Data Acquired in 2015 From Grand Bay, Mississippi and Alabama

Grand Bay Alabama and Mississippi were surveyed between May and June 2015, using an Edgetech chirp 424 subbottom profiler and a Klein 3900 sidescan sonar. The objective was to characterize the geologic framework of recent estuarine sediment accumulation in the bay. This data release includes the raw chirp subbottom Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG Y) data files, sidescan data files in eXt

Constituent Concentrations in Sediment of Selected Gravel Bars along the Big River, Southeast Missouri, 2011

Historic mining activity in the Old Lead Belt has led to substantial influx of lead and zinc mining waste into the channel of the Big River in southeastern Missouri. The primary objectives of this data collection was to determine the depth of heavy-metal contamination at five gravel bars along the Big River to verify and supplement findings by Pavlowsky and Owen (2010). A secondary objective of th
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