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Velocity mapping using moving boat acoustic Doppler current profiler on the Sacramento River near the western end of the Fremont Weir in February and March 2016, and May 2017

Geo-referenced two dimensional velocity profiles collected at discrete cross-sections over an approximately 2km stretch of the Sacramento River. These data were collected over a range of river conditions (stage and discharge) on eight separate dates in February and March of 2016 and May of 2017. Data are available as .csv files contained in the attached .zip file.

Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog (Rana boylii) Monitoring and Assessment Data from the Trinity River, California (2013-2017)

A key objective of the Trinity River Restoration Program (TRRP) is maintaining and enhancing other wildlife populations through the restoration initiatives. For herpetological species, the foothill yellow-legged frog and western pond turtle have been identified as important species on which to focus monitoring efforts due to their status as California state-listed Species of Concern. As a result,

Forest management and cervid herbivory data from Western Oregon, USA, 2012

Land management practices often directly alter vegetation structure and composition, but the degree to which ecological processes such as herbivory interact with management to influence biodiversity is less well understood. We hypothesized that intensive forest management and large herbivores have compounding effects on early-seral plant communities and plantation establishment (i.e., tree surviva

Genetic and functional connectivity data for greater sage-grouse across the species range generated 2005-2015 (ver. 2.0, December 2022)

Functional connectivity, quantified using landscape genetics, can inform conservation through the identification of factors linking genetic structure to landscape mechanisms. We used breeding habitat metrics, landscape attributes, and indices of grouse abundance, to compare fit between structural connectivity and genetic differentiation within five long-established Sage-Grouse Management Zones (MZ

Masticophis occupancy in southern California, 1995-2000

These data are CSV files comprised of a heading and tables from Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 in the accompanying paper. The tables show the sampling dates and locations for the coachwhip (Masticophis flagellum) and striped racer (Masticophis lateralis) in pit-fall arrays (Fisher et al. 2008) monitored in southern California from 1995-2000. GPS data are shown in decimal degrees and were collected in t

Indiana Bat fecal DNA study, Indianapolis, IN Summer 2008

The endangered Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) has declined dramatically and continuing threats have made it necessary to understand population dynamics and life history throughout the year. Specifically, demographic information (e.g., population size, reproductive success, survival) from the summer range where females raise their young in maternity colonies is difficult to estimate precisely using t

Bathymetric survey data of the Black River from Poplar Bluff, Missouri, to Pocahontas, Arkansas

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the State of Arkansas made a bathymetric survey of the Black River from Popular Bluff, Missouri, to Pocahontas, Arkansas from July 12-25, 2018. One hundred sites were surveyed at pre-established transect locations along a 131-mile reach at distances spaced from about 0.1 to 4.8 miles apart. River-channel cross sections were surveyed to determin

Cold-water Coral Microbiomes (Primnoa spp.) from Gulf of Alaska, Baltimore Canyon, and Norfolk Canyon: Raw Data

The files in this data release are the raw DNA sequence files referenced in the journal article by Goldsmith and others (2018) entitled "Comparison of microbiomes of cold-water corals Primnoa pacifica and Primnoa resedaeformis, with possible link between microbiome composition and host genotype." They represent a 16S rRNA gene amplicon survey of the corals' microbiomes (Primnoa spp.) completed usi

GAMA-Priority Basin Project Groundwater-Quality Results: Assessment and Trends

This interactive webmap plots water-quality data from domestic and public-supply wells sampled by the USGS for the California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program (GAMA) Priority Basin Project, and allows users to download datasets.

Arizona Grasshopper Sparrow nest monitoring data 2011 to 2013

These data include nest-specific information about Arizona Grasshopper Sparrow nests monitored during 2011 to 2013. The data are formatted as we used them in Program MARK to evaluate factors affecting daily nest survival. Data includes information on when the nest was found, when it was last known to be active, nest fate, and nest age. In addition, we provide vegetation data from the nest site its

33 high-resolution scenarios of land use and vegetation change in the Prairie Potholes of the United States

A new version of USGS's FORE-SCE model was used to produce unprecedented landscape projections for four ecoregions in the Prairie Potholes region of Great Plains. The scenarios are consistent with the same scenarios modeled for the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative region. The projections are characterized by 1) high spatial resolution (30-meter cells), 2) high thematic resolution (

Probability of Streamflow Permanence (PROSPER) Model Output Layers

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has developed the PRObability of Streamflow PERmanence (PROSPER) model, a GIS raster-based empirical model that provides streamflow permanence probabilities (probabilistic predictions) of a stream channel having year-round flow for any unregulated and minimally-impaired stream channel in the Pacific Northwest region, U.S. The model provides annual predictions for