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Data for: A conservation planning tool for greater sage-grouse using indices of species distribution, resilience, and resistance

Managers require quantitative yet tractable tools that can identify areas for restoration yielding effective benefits for targeted wildlife species and the ecosystems they inhabit. A spatially explicit conservation planning tool that guides effective sagebrush restoration for sage-grouse can be made more effective by integrating baseline maps describing existing (pre-restoration) habitat suitabili

Visible, Near Infrared, Shortwave Infrared and Thermal Infrared Laboratory Spectra of Samples of Compositionally Variable Dune Fields in the Western United States and Alaska

This data represents laboratory reflectance and emissivity spectral measurements of dune sand samples collected from a variety of dune types and mineralogical compositions from eight dune field locations in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada and New Mexico (labeled and designated as samples DS-1 through DS-8). Each sample were sieved into various size classes and measured both pr

Satellite Telemetry Data for Greater White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons) Captured on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska, 2013-2017

This data release contains one table of data from a four-year study of Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons frontalis) breeding ecology conducted in the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska during 2013-2017. Location data depict habitat use of 5 marked female birds throughout the annual cycle.

Grand Canyon Whitewater Boater Data, Temporal Stability of Willingness to Pay Values

These data were complied for the primary analysis underlying the resuts presented in Neher et al., Testing the Limits of Temporal Stability: Willingness to Pay Values Among Grand Canyon Whitewater Boaters across Decades. The data is a combination of data collected for a 1985 survey of private party Grand Canyon boaters, and a 2015 replication survey for that same recreational user group. The excel

Nutrient, Bacteria, Ammonia, & TSS Annual Loads; Green & Gray Infrastructure; Land Cover Change; and Climate Data in the Gwynns Falls Subwatersheds, Baltimore, MD, 1998-2016

This metadata record document contains 7 tables used to assess factors influencing long-term water quality changes in the Gwynns Falls, Baltimore, MD, 1998-2016. Included are daily discharge measurements (source: United States Geological Survey (USGS), 2016), weekly nutrient sampling concentrations (source: Baltimore Ecosystem Study (BES), 2015), and approximately monthly bacteria, ammonia, TKN, a

Mines, Mineral Occurrences, and Mining Districts in the Carlin Area, Nevada

Sediment hosted gold deposits in Nevada were first mined in the 1960s from open pit mines with large tonnage and low grade resources. Since that time, continuing exploration and discovery have identified extraordinary resources, and together these deposits now form the second-largest gold endowment on Earth, surpassed only by the Witwatersrand Gold Fields of South Africa. The data herein are part

Archive of Digitized Analog Boomer Seismic Reflection Data Collected Along the Louisiana Shelf, 1982-1984

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology Program has actively collected geophysical and sedimentological data in the northern Gulf of Mexico for several decades, including shallow subsurface data in the form of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles (HRSP). Prior to the mid-1990s most HRSP data were collected in analog format as paper rolls of continuous profiles up to 25

Food Web Data, Colorado River Corridor, Grand Canyon, Arizona, 2006

These data were compiled for a manuscript that examines the riverine food-web structure of the Colorado River below Glen Canyon dam to its confluence with Lake Mead. Tissue from primary producers (vascular plants and algae) and consumers (aquatic invertebrates and fish) were collected before and after monsoon floods in 2006 along the 388 kilometer segment of the Colorado River in the Southwest US.

Water quality, atmospheric nitrogen deposition and herbaceous plant species richness in the USA, 1970-2011.

This data release is comprised of a data set that contains specific conductance and chloride concentration data in HUC-8 watersheds that intersect with areas with unconventional oil and gas plays, and a data set that contains atmospheric nitrogen deposition rates and herbaceous plant species richness values across sample sites in the USA.

Fish collection and hydrological data for oxbows in western Iowa

The data set associated with this metadata is included in three separate csv files: 'Occupancy_Data', 'Stage_Raw', and 'Flood_Stage_Height'. 'Occupancy_Data' was used to fit the dynamic occupancy models and includes 17 columns: Time: time periods numbered 1 to 5; 'Oxbow': individual oxbows numbered 1 through 10; 'OxbowName': the name of each oxbow; 'Species': species encountered during sampling

Microsatellite markers, habitat quality, and sample location data for Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina)

The data are included in 8 separate text files: 1) "Sample_coordinates.txt". The file contains sample identifiers along with geographic coordinates associated with each sample. Coordinates are specified as UTM Zone 10 values (WGS84). 2) "Sample_genotypes.txt". The file contains a sample identifier along with microsatellite genotypes associated with each sample. 3) "uniform_conductances.asc". An

Stream restoration constrains fine particle retention within the hyporheic zone of urban streams

Stream restoration goals include reducing erosion and increasing hyporheic exchange to promote biogeochemical processing and improve water quality. Suspended fine particles (