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Taking the leap: A binational translocation effort to close the 420-km gap in the Baja California lineage of the California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii)

Conservation translocations, the human-mediated movement and release of a living organism for a conservation benefit, are increasingly recommended in species’ recovery plans as a technique for mitigating population declines or augmenting genetic diversity. However, translocation protocols for species with broad distributions may require regionally specific considerations to increase success, as en
Susan North, Jonathan Q. Richmond, Frank E. Santana, Anny Peralta-García, Elizabeth Gallegos, Adam R. Backlin, Cynthia Joan Hitchcock, Bradford Hollingsworth, Jorge H. Valdez-Villavicencio, Zachary Principe, Robert N. Fisher, Clark S. Winchell

Chew-cards can accurately index invasive rat densities in Mariana Island forests

Rats (Rattus spp.) are likely established on 80–90% of the world’s islands and represent one of the most damaging and expensive biological invaders. Effective rat control tools exist but require accurate population density estimates or indices to inform treatment timing and effort and to assess treatment efficacy. Capture-mark-recapture data are frequently used to produce robust density estimates,
Emma B. Hanslowe, Amy A. Yackel Adams, Melia Gail Nafus, Douglas A Page, Danielle R. Bradke, Francesca T. Erickson, Larissa L. Bailey

Application of recursive estimation to heat tracing for groundwater/surface-water exchange

We present and demonstrate a recursive-estimation framework to infer groundwater/surface-water exchange based on temperature time series collected at different vertical depths below the sediment/water interface. We formulate the heat-transport problem as a state-space model (SSM), in which the spatial derivatives in the convection/conduction equation are approximated using finite differences. The
W. Anderson McAliley, Frederick Day-Lewis, David Rey, Martin Briggs, Allen M. Shapiro, Dale Werkema

New state and county records of introduced amphibians and reptiles of Georgia, USA.

Recent efforts to eradicate the invasive Argentine Giant Tegu (Salvator merianae) has led to the discovery of several county records of this introduced lizard as well as several other potentially invasive amphibian and reptile species in the state of Georgia, USA. New records were determined using a database of county records maintained by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. All specimens
Michael Brennan, Lance McBrayer, Joseph Carroll, Kenneth L. Krysko, Amy A. Yackel Adams

Water-budget accounting for tropical regions model (WATRMod) documentation

Regional groundwater recharge commonly is estimated using a threshold-type water-budget approach in which groundwater recharge is assumed to occur when water in the plant-root zone exceeds the soil’s moisture storage capacity. A water budget of the plant-soil system accounts for water inputs (rainfall, fog interception, irrigation, septic-system leachate, and other inputs), water outputs (runoff,
Delwyn S. Oki

Lake Ontario April prey fish survey results and Alewife assessment, 2022

The annual Lake Ontario April bottom trawl survey and Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, population assessment provide science to inform management decisions related to predator-prey balance and fish community dynamics. The 2022 survey was conducted from March 31 to April 26, included 235 trawls in the main lake and embayments, and sampled depths from 5 to 219 m (16 – 723 ft). The survey captured 311,
Brian C. Weidel, Lee F G Gutowsky, Jessica Goretzke, Jeremy Holden, Scott P. Minihkeim

2021 National park visitor spending effects: Economic contributions to local communities, states, and the nation

The National Park Service (NPS) manages the Nation’s most iconic destinations that attract millions of visitors from across the Nation and around the world. Trip-related spending by NPS visitors generates and supports economic activity within park gateway communities. This report summarizes the annual economic contribution analysis that measures how NPS visitor spending cycles through local econom
Catherine M. Cullinane Thomas, Matthew Flyr, Lynne Koontz

The population genetics of the causative agent of snake fungal disease indicate recent introductions to the USA

Snake fungal disease (SFD; ophidiomycosis), caused by the pathogen Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola (Oo), has been documented in wild snakes in North America and Eurasia, and is considered an emerging disease in the eastern United States of America. However, a lack of historical disease data has made it challenging to determine whether Oo is a recent arrival to the USA or whether SFD emergence is due to
Jason T. Ladner, Jonathan M. Palmer, Cassandra L. Ettinger, Jason E. Stajich, Terence M. Farrell, Brad M. Glorioso, Becki Lawson, Steven J. Price, Anne G. Stengle, Daniel A. Grear, Jeffrey M. Lorch

North Carolina and Landsat

North Carolina’s rich history and importance in the colonial days played a critical role in the Nation’s economic development. It was also the setting for events like the Wright Brothers’ famous first flight of a powered aircraft, called “Wright Flyer,” which took place in Kitty Hawk in 1903. Today, North Carolina license plates proudly proclaim the State as “First in Flight.”The aerospace and def

Late Paleozoic flexural extension and overprinting shortening in the southern Ozark dome, Arkansas, USA: Evolving fault kinematics in the foreland of the Ouachita orogen

Faults and folds on the southern flank of the Ozark dome in northern Arkansas, USA, record flexural extension in a foreland area followed by shortening in response to the late Paleozoic Ouachita orogeny. Map-scale structures and an analysis of fault-slip data collected systematically during geologic mapping demonstrate that most deformation in the area accommodated north-south extension as the sou
Mark R. Hudson, Kenzie J. Turner

Distribution of niclosamide following granular Bayluscide applications in lotic systems

The granular formulation of Bayluscide [Bayluscide 3.2% Granular Sea Lamprey Larvicide, granular Bayluscide (gB)] is applied in lentic and lotic systems to survey (assessment) and kill (treatment) larval sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus; Linnaeus, 1758) in the Great Lakes basin. Granules are spread on the water surface, settle to the sediment surface, and dissolve. The potential risk of niclosamid
Cheryl A. Kaye, Jeffry A Bernardy, Justin Schueller, Nicholas A. Schloesser, Mary P. Henson, Chad K. Andresen, Courtney A Kirkeeng
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