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Book Chapters

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Eyrie enhancement measures to bolster Saker falcon populations in Mongolia

Because the massive harvest of Saker Falcons (Falco cherrug) in Central Asia has already impacted local populations at least in Kazakhstan, because falcon smuggling has recently become rampant in China, and because a government-authorized harvest has begun in Mongolia, we sought measures to bolster numbers in Mongolia before the population can decline there. In three expeditions (1994, 1995, and
D. H. Ellis, P. Tsengag, P.L. Whitlock

Field evidence for linking Altosid applications with increased amphibian deformities in southern leopard frogs [abstract]

During the summer of 1997 we repeatedly sprayed Altosid, a formulation of 4% methoprene used for mosquito control, on six constructed macrocosms. Six additional macrocosms were sprayed with Abate4E, containing the organophosphate pesticide temephos, and six were sprayed with water (controls). The wetlands were created on an impermeable foundation for research purposes and averaged 215 m2 in area a
D. W. Sparling

Fire and fuels in a Sierra Nevada ecosystem

No abstract available at this time
J. van Wagtendonk

Fish and wildlife species as sentinels of environmental endocrine disruption

This chapter provides an overview of the history and criteria for use of captive and free-ranging fish and wildlife (amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) species as sentinels of potential environmental endocrine disruption. Biochemical, behavioral, physiological, immunological, genetic, reproductive, developmental, and ecological correlates of endocrine disruption in these sentinels are pres
S.R. Sheffield, J.M. Matter, Barnett A. Rattner, P.D. Guiney


No abstract available.
C.S. Robbins


No abstract available.
J.M. Weeks, S. O'Hare, Barnett A. Rattner

Great Lakes

The Great Lakes region, as defined here, includes the Great Lakes and their drainage basins in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. The region also includes the portions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the 21 northernmost counties of Illinois that lie in the Mississippi River drainage basin, outside the floodplain of the river. The region spans about 9º of latitu
Thomas A. Edsall

Habitat change in a perched dune system along Lake Superior

Episodes of habitat change, driven by changes in levels of the Great Lakes, must be considered when assessing human effects upon coastal vegetation and rare species. Paleoecological studies, baseline inventories, and long-term monitoring programs within the Grand Sable Dunes, a perched-dune system along Lake Superior, provide a window on vegetation change at different spatial and temporal scales
Walter L. Loope, A. Kathryn McEachern

Hydrogeologic studies at the USGS Amargosa Desert Research Site

In 1976, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) began studies of unsaturated-zone hydrology in the Amargosa Desert in support of the USGS Low-Level Radioactive Waste Program. In 1983, agreements with the Bureau of Land Management and the State of Nevada established two field study areas: a 16-ha area adjacent to a waste-burial facility 17 km south of Beatty and a 0.1-ha area about 3 km farther south (f
Brian J. Andraski, David A. Stonestrom

Immunological disorders associated with polychlorinated biphenyls and related halogenated aromatic hydrocarbon compounds

This review characterizes immunological disorders in fish associated with the widespread environmental contaminants, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and related halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs). Special attention is devoted to comparing the sensitivity of fish species, identifying sensitive immunological endpoints and postulating mechanisms of action.
G.E. Noguchi

International impact research and management

To be sustainable, ecotourism requires the protection of natural environments and processes both from development and operation of the tourism infrastructure, and from the activities of ecotourists within protected areas. This book chapter reviews the international literature on the study of visitor or recreation-related resource impacts with special reference to ecotourism. Four case examples a
J. L. Marion, Y. Leung

Investigating flight response of Pacific brant to helicopters at Izembek Lagoon, Alaska by using logistic regression

Izembek Lagoon, an estuary in Alaska, is a very important staging area for Pacific brant, a small migratory goose. Each fall, nearly the entire Pacific Flyway population of 130,000 brant flies to Izembek Lagoon and feeds on eelgrass to accumulate fat reserves for nonstop transoceanic migration to wintering areas as distant as Mexico. In the past 10 years, offshore drilling activities in this area
Wallace P. Erickson, Todd G. Nick, David H. Ward