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Conference Papers

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Spatial scale analysis in geophysics - Integrating surface and borehole geophysics in groundwater studies

Integration of geophysical data obtained at various scales can bridge the gap between localized data from boreholes and site-wide data from regional survey profiles. Specific approaches to such analysis include: 1) comparing geophysical measurements in boreholes with the same measurement made from the surface; 2) regressing geophysical data obtained in boreholes with water-sample data from screene
Frederick L. Paillet

Status and opportunities for genomics research with rainbow trout

The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is one of the most widely studied of model fish species. Extensive basic biological information has been collected for this species, which because of their large size relative to other model fish species are particularly suitable for studies requiring ample quantities of specific cells and tissue types. Rainbow trout have been widely utilized for research in
G.H. Thorgaard, G.S. Bailey, D. Williams, D. R. Buhler, S.L. Kaattari, S.S. Ristow, J.D. Hansen, J. R. Winton, J. L. Bartholomew, J.J. Nagler, P.J. Walsh, M.M. Vijayan, R.H. Devlin, R.W. Hardy, K.E. Overturf, W.P. Young, B.D. Robison, C. Rexroad, Y. Palti

Status of use of lunar irradiance for on-orbit calibration

Routine observations of the Moon have been acquired by the Robotic Lunar Observatory (ROLO) for over four years. The ROLO instruments measure lunar radiance in 23 VNIR (Moon diameter ???500 pixels) and 9 SWIR (???250 pixels) passbands every month when the Moon is at phase angle less than 90 degrees. These are converted to exoatmospheric values at standard distances using an atmospheric extinction
T.C. Stone, H. H. Kieffer, J.M. Anderson

Supporting user-defined granularities in a spatiotemporal conceptual model

Granularities are integral to spatial and temporal data. A large number of applications require storage of facts along with their temporal and spatial context, which needs to be expressed in terms of appropriate granularities. For many real-world applications, a single granularity in the database is insufficient. In order to support any type of spatial or temporal reasoning, the semantics related
V. Khatri, S. Ram, R.T. Snodgrass, G. M. O'Brien

Survey of aquatic macroinvertebrates and amphibians at Wupatki National Monument, Arizona, USA: An evaluation of selected factors affecting species richness in ephemeral pools

Ephemeral aquatic habitats in Wupatki National Monument vary from naturally formed pools in arroyos over 5000 years old, to constructed catchment basins with ages estimated at 60-1000+ years old, and borrow pits and stock ponds 30-60 years old. The different ages of these pools provide different histories of colonization by amphibians and aquatic invertebrates, especially temporary pool specialist
T. B. Graham

The influence of sylvatic plague on North American wildlife at the landscape level, with special emphasis on black-footed ferret and prairie dog conservation

No abstract available.
M.F. Antolin, P. Gober, B. Luce, D. E. Biggins, W.E. van Pelt, D.B. Seery, M. Lockhart, M. Ball

The nucleus of 19/P Borrelly as revealed by deep space 1

The Deep Space 1 encounter with comet 19/P Borrelly offered the first close-up view of a comet unobscured by dust. The geometric albedo of the comet is 0.029±0.006 (with a size of 8.0 × 3.15 km), comparable to the low-albedo hemisphere of Iapetus, the lowest albedo C-type asteroids, and the Uranian rings. Albedo variegations on the body are substantial, far greater than on the handful of asteroids
B. Buratti, M. Hicks, L. Soderblom, D. Britt, D. Boice, R. Brown, R. Nelson, J. Oberst, Timothy W. Owen, B. Sandel, S. A. Stern, N. Thomas, R. Yelle

The potential of combining ion trap/MS/MS and TOF/MS for identification of emerging contaminants

The use of a method combining ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and time of flight mass spectrometry (TOF/MS) for identification of emerging contaminates was discussed. The two tools together complemented each other in sensitivity, fragmentation and accurate mass determination. Liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization/ion-trap tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI/MS/MS), in positive ion m
I. Ferrer, E. T. Furlong, C.E. Heine, E.M. Thurman

The Sacatosa coalbed methane field: A first For Texas

In 2001, The Exploration Company (TXCO), San Antonio, announced the Sacatosa Coalbed Methane (CBM) Field in Maverick County. This field is the first CBM field in Texas (Fig. 1). The field is producing from bituminous coal in the Cretaceous Olmos Formation that outcrops to the west and dips easterly towards the Gulf Coast. The CBM field was developed in coalbeds whose general structure was known fr
Charles E. Barker, Peter D. Warwick, Robert J. Scott, J.M. Klein, R.W. Hook

Tidal Flux Variation in the Lower Pearl River and Lake Pontchartrain Estuaries of Mississippi and Louisiana

Three tidal gages were constructed to collect hydraulic and water-quality properties that could be used to compute the tidal flux of the Pearl River and Lake Pontchartrain estuarine systems in Mississippi and Louisiana. The gages record continuous tidal stage, velocity, water temperature, specific conductance, and salinity, and transmit these data via the GOES satellite for output to a USGS real-t
D.P. Turnipseed

Tolazoline reversal of xylazine in bison (Bison bison): Mitigation of adverse effects

Tolazoline is a mixed alpha-1 and -2 adrenergic antagonist used to reverse the sedative, analgesic and muscle-relaxing effects of xylazine, a potent alpha adrenergic agonist. Tolazoline has been used in cattle and is superior to yohimbine, another alpha adrenergic antagonist, in this species. In white-tailed deer, tolazoline shortened recovery times and reversed xylazine-induced bradycardia, respi
Thomas J. Roffe, Steven J. Sweeney
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