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Conference Papers

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The role of groundwater chemistry in the transport of bacteria to water-supply wells

Static mini-columns and in situ injection and recovery tests were used to assess the effects of modest changes in groundwater chemistry upon the pH-dependence of bacterial attachment, a primary determinant of bacterial mobility in drinking water aquifers. In uncontaminated groundwater (
R.W. Harvey, D.W. Metge

The spring runoff pulse from the Sierra Nevada

Just about every year there is one major first pulse of snowmelt runoff (streamflow) that marks the transition from winter to spring in high elevation, snowmelt driven watersheds in the western United States. As a index, we have used the record of relatively pristine streamflow at the Merced River, Happy Isles in Yosemite National Park to identify this transition for each year beginning in 1916. T
D.R. Cayan, D.H. Peterson, L. Riddle, M. D. Dettinger, R. Smith

U.S. Geological Survey coal resource assessment

No abstract available.
S.S. Crowley, John R. SanFilipo, Peter D. Warwick, S.J. Law, Claire E. Aubourg

Use of automated monitoring to assess behavioral toxicology in fish: Linking behavior and physiology

We measured locomotory behaviors (distance traveled, speed, tortuosity of path, and rate of change in direction) with computer-assisted analysis in 30 day posthatch rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to pesticides. We also examined cholinesterase inhibition as a potential endpoint linking physiology and behavior. Sublethal exposure to chemicals often causes changes in swimming behavior, r
S.K. Brewer, A. J. DeLonay, S.L. Beauvais, E. E. Little, S.B. Jones

Use of behavioral endpoints to determine protective concentrations of the insecticide fonofos for bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)

This research compared the results of laboratory and mesocosm studies to determine the effectiveness of using behavioral measures of sublethal exposure to define environmental concentration ranges that are protective of free-ranging populations of bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) exposed to the organophophate insecticide fonofos. Thirty-day laboratory chronic studies were conducted to determine the
J.F. Fairchild, E. E. Little

Use of implantable pellets to administer low levels of methyl mercury to fish

Implantable pellets of methyl mercury chloride were tested in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to appraise the effectiveness of the method for chronic studies of mercury. Two dosing regimes of 15 and 1.5 grams/CH3HgCl pellet (test 1) and 1 and 0.1 grams/pellet (test 2-3) of methyl mercury chloride were used in three tests. Additional pellets containing only matrix were used as controls. The pe
B.S. Arnold, C.H. Jagoe, T. S. Gross

Utilization of the gypsum from a wet limestone flue gas desulfurization process

The authors have been developing a process which converts FGD-gypsum to ammonium sulfate fertilizer with precipitated calcium carbonate as a by-product during the conversion. Preliminary cost estimates suggest that the process is economically feasible when ammonium sulfate crystals are produced in a granular size (1.2 to 3.3 mm), instead of a powder form. However, if additional revenue from the sa
I.-Ming Chou, V. Patel, J.M. Lytle, S.J. Chou, R.H. Carty

Water professionals and water policy in the Black Hills region

A case study approach based on examples from the Black Hills region is used to evaluate the role of water professionals in developing feasible and fair public policy involving water resources. Examples presented include a long-term hydrologic investigation in the Black Hills, a local wellhead protection program, issues being addressed by a local flood management commission, coordination of definit
T.A. Fontaine, D.G. Driscoll, J.W. Erickson, S.J. Kenner, J.F. Sawyer

Working group on future trends

This working group did not divide into subgroups, and its report consists of a unified document in a format somewhat different than those of the other working groups. The group considered four major topics: (1) projected "new" contaminants of future concern; (2) future trends with contaminants currently known to be issues for marine mammals; (3) future needs to improve and insure consistency of sa

U-Pb age evidence for long-term stability of the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain

No abstract available.
Leonid A. Neymark, Y. V. Amelin, James B. Paces, Zell E. Peterman
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