USGS Science Collaboration Portal for the Colorado River Basin
Collaboration platform that brings together science, data, and mapping and analytical tools from across the basin
Colorado River Basin Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology (ASIST) Initiative
Fostering Innovative Interdisciplinary Science for Characterizing and Adapting to Long-term Drought
Colorado River Basin Drought and the 2023 Water Year
Geonarrative presentation comparing 2023 conditions to the long-term drought in the Colorado River Basin
Great Salt Lake Data and Reports by the USGS
Learn about Water Quantity and Quality and Aquatic Ecology of this National Treasure
Colorado River Basin Studies in Utah
Learn about Surface Water, Groundwater Quantities and Quality and Artificial Recharge of Groundwater in the Colorado River Basin in Utah
Streamflow in the Upper Rio Grande Basin
USGS Analyses of the Effects of Potential Future Climate Conditions on Streamflows in the Upper Rio Grande Basin
Next Generation Water Observing System (NGWOS) Study: Upper Colorado River Basin
The USGS NGWOS Program Provides Innovative, High-fidelity, Real-time Data and Insightful Analyses about Water Quantity, Quality, and Use in Selected Watersheds across the U.S.
Rocky Mountain Region
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin includes the States of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. USGS Science Centers conduct interdisciplinary research and monitoring related to natural resources, ecology, climate, and natural hazards. Data, analyses, and tools developed by USGS staff help stakeholders to make sustainable management decisions.
USGS Region 7: Upper Colorado Basin (Rocky Mountain)

Map Showing USGS/DOI Unified Region 7 and adjoining Regions