Interdisciplinary Science and Actionable Information for Drought Adaptation
The principal objective of the ASIST initiative is to increase the amount of interdisciplinary science conducted by the USGS in the Colorado River Basin, so that USGS can deliver actionable information at the speed and scales needed for stakeholder decision making. Interdisciplinary science evaluates the wide-ranging effects of drought and supports collaboration between stakeholders, scientists, and technology specialists. The complexity of drought effects on human and natural systems in the Colorado River Basin requires the USGS to use interdisciplinary science to provide data and tools needed to address multiple cross-cutting stakeholder science priorities. This initiative unifies USGS expertise, capabilities, and stakeholder relationships in the Colorado River Basin through the incorporation of advanced information management technology needed to improve science integration and scenario planning.
Additional information about the ASIST initiative can be found at the links below:
ASIST Initiative Team Members
The Rocky Mountain Region is working with a multidisciplinary team of experts within the Colorado River Basin to determine how the USGS can develop integrative science, data, models, and tools that can be used to address key science challenges related to drought risk within the basin.
Associated USGS Science Centers:
California Water Science Center, Central Energy Resources Science Center, Columbia Environmental Research Center, Fort Collins Science Center, Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center, Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center, Nevada Water Science Center, New Mexico Water Science Center, Utah Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey Colorado River Basin Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology (ASIST)—Information Management Technology Plan
More than 840 publications, 575 data releases, and 330 project web pages from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) pertain to the Colorado River Basin. Limited interconnections between Colorado River Basin publications, data, and web pages restrict the ability to synthesize and interpret scientific resources. Currently, these pieces are spread across multiple locations.
Authors: Eric D. Anderson, Jennifer R. Erxleben, Sharon L. Qi, Adrian P. Monroe, Katharine G. Dahm
Associated USGS Mission Areas and Science Centers:
Ecosystems Mission Area, Water Resources Mission Area, Fort Collins Science Center, Oregon Water Science Center, Colorado River Basin: Actionable and Strategic Integrated Science and Technology