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Conor McGowan, PhD

Assistant Unit Leader - Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Major Research Experience:

Post-Doctoral Research Associate - Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, May 2008 - Present.  Developing and parameterizing models for the adaptive management of Horseshoe Crab harvests in the Delaware Bay constrained by Red Knot populatoin viability.  In this position I have lead the adabptive management team and lead efforts to communcate with stakeholders and with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission manageres.

Graduate Research Assistant - Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri, August 2004 - May 2008.  Develop and parameterize models to evaluate Great Plains Piping Plover population viability and asssess te effects of "incidental take" on viability for this federally threatened species.

Research Assistant - Department of Zoology, N.C. State University and the North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Resaerch Unit, April 2001 - May 2004.  Locate and monitor American Oystcatcher nests in coastal North Carolina, trap and mark adult breeding birds, radio track chicks, measure and monitor human disturbance.

Teaching Experience:

Teaching Assistant if Adaptive Management course, USFWS, National Conservation Training Center, June 2009.

Teaching Assistant in Ornithology (FW 2010), Department of Fisheries and Willife Sciences, University of Missouri, Spring Semester 2008.

Teaching Assistant in Animal Diversity (Zo150), Department of Zoology, N.C. State University, 5 semesters between fall of 2001 and spring of 2004.

Guest Lecturer, in Population Dynamics course in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri, Spring 2007, 2008.



2008 Missouri State Chapter of the Wildlife Society Graduate Student Fellowship.

2007 University of Missouri Graduate Student Association Superior Graduate Student Award (a university wide award).  One of three recipients selected from over 30 departmental nominees.

2007 Superior Graduate Student Award in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Science at the University of Missouri (nominated and selected by fellow students)

2007 James D. Chambers Memorial Scholarship recipient. Awarded by the Missouri Chapter of the Wildlife Society.




McGowan, C. P., and M. R. Ryan. In Press, A quantitative framework to evaluate incidental take and endangered species population viability. Biological Conservation, available online, September 11, 2009.

McGowan, C. P., J. J. Millspaugh, M. R. Ryan, K. C. Cruse, and G. A. Pavelka. 2009. Estimating survival of precocial chicks during the pre-fledging period using a catch-curve method and age based count data Journal of Field Ornithology 80: 79-87.

Millspaugh, J.J., R. A. Gitzen, S. Amelon, T. W. Bonnot, D. T. Farrand, D

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