Douglas B Yager (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 18
Generalized geologic map of part of the upper Animas River watershed and vicinity, Silverton, Colorado
This dataset represents geology compiled for the upper Animas River Watershed near Silverton, Colorado. The source data used are derived from 1:24,000, 1:20,000, 1:48,000 and 1:250,000-scale geologic maps by geologists who have worked in this area since the early 1960's.
Geologic map of the Turkey Creek Caldera, Chiricahua Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona
No abstract available.
Filter Total Items: 36
GIS-Based Identification of Areas with Mineral Resource Potential for Six Selected Deposit Groups, Bureau of Land Management Central Yukon Planning Area, Alaska
This study, covering the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Central Yukon Planning Area (CYPA), Alaska, was prepared to aid BLM mineral resource management planning. Estimated mineral resource potential and certainty are mapped for six selected mineral deposit groups: (1) rare earth element (REE) deposits associated with peralkaline to carbonatitic intrusive igneous rocks, (2) placer and...
James V. Jones, Susan M. Karl, Keith A. Labay, Nora B. Shew, Matthew Granitto, Timothy S. Hayes, Jeffrey L. Mauk, Jeanine M. Schmidt, Erin Todd, Bronwen Wang, Melanie B. Werdon, Douglas B. Yager
A GIS and statistical approach to identify variables that control water quality in hydrothermally altered and mineralized watersheds, Silverton, Colorado, USA
Hydrothermally altered bedrock in the Silverton mining area, southwest Colorado, USA, contains sulfide minerals that weather to produce acidic and metal-rich leachate that is toxic to aquatic life. This study utilized a geographic information system (GIS) and statistical approach to identify watershed-scale geologic variables in the Silverton area that influence water quality. GIS...
Douglas B. Yager, Raymond H. Johnson, Barnaby W. Rockwell, Jonathan S. Caine, Kathleen S. Smith
Miscellaneous geochemical data from waters in the Upper Animas River Watershed, Colorado
This report releases geochemistry data in waters from the upper Animas River watershed that have been analyzed by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. These samples were collected at various sites and at various dates (41 sites and 86 samples from 2008 to 2010). A main data table is provided and the text discusses the sampling methods and locations in relation to other published...
Raymond H. Johnson, Douglas B. Yager
Analyzing legacy U.S. Geological Survey geochemical databases using GIS: applications for a national mineral resource assessment
This report emphasizes geographic information system analysis and the display of data stored in the legacy U.S. Geological Survey National Geochemical Database for use in mineral resource investigations. Geochemical analyses of soils, stream sediments, and rocks that are archived in the National Geochemical Database provide an extensive data source for investigating geochemical anomalies...
Douglas B. Yager, Albert H. Hofstra, Matthew Granitto
Geochemical data from waters in Prospect Gulch, San Juan County, Colorado, that span pre- and post-Lark Mine remediation
In San Juan County, Colorado, the effects of historical mining continue to contribute dissolved metals to groundwater and surface water. Water samples in Prospect Gulch near Silverton, Colorado, were collected at selected locations that span pre- and post-reclamation activities at the Lark Mine, located in the Prospect Gulch watershed. Geochemical results from those water samples are...
Raymond H. Johnson, Douglas B. Yager, Hugh D. Johnson
A geologic and anthropogenic journey from the Precambrian to the new energy economy through the San Juan volcanic field
The San Juan volcanic field comprises 25,000 km2 of intermediate composition mid-Tertiary volcanic rocks and dacitic to rhyolitic calderas including the San Juan–Uncompahgre and La Garita caldera-forming super-volcanoes. The region is famous for the geological, ecological, hydrological, archeological, and climatological diversity. These characteristics supported ancestral Puebloan...
Douglas B. Yager, Burchell, Raymond H. Johnson
Acid neutralizing capacity and leachate results for igneous rocks, with associated carbon contents of derived soils, Animas River AML site, Silverton, Colorado
Mine planning efforts have historically overlooked the possible acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) that local igneous rocks can provide to help neutralize acidmine drainage. As a result, limestone has been traditionally hauled to mine sites for use in neutralizing acid drainage. Local igneous rocks, when used as part of mine life-cycle planning and acid mitigation strategy, may reduce the...
Douglas B. Yager, Mark R. Stanton, LaDonna M. Choate, Burchell
Net Acid Production, Acid Neutralizing Capacity, and Associated Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Animas River Watershed Igneous Rocks Near Silverton, Colorado
This report presents results from laboratory and field studies involving the net acid production (NAP), acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), and magnetic mineralogy of 27 samples collected in altered volcanic terrain in the upper Animas River watershed near Silverton, Colo., during the summer of 2005. Sampling focused mainly on the volumetrically important, Tertiary-age volcanic and...
Douglas B. Yager, LaDonna Choate, Mark R. Stanton
Mineralogy from Cores in Prospect Gulch, San Juan County, Colorado
In the late nineteenth century, San Juan County, Colorado, was the center of a metal mining boom in the San Juan Mountains. Although most mining activity ceased by the 1990s, the effects of historical mining continue to contribute metals to ground water and surface water. Previous research by the U.S. Geological Survey identified ground-water discharge as a significant pathway for the...
Dana J. Bove, Raymond H. Johnson, Douglas B. Yager
Geochemistry of Surface and Ground Water in Cement Creek from Gladstone to Georgia Gulch and in Prospect Gulch, San Juan County, Colorado
In San Juan County, Colo., the effects of historical mining continue to contribute metals to ground water and surface water. Previous research by the U.S. Geological Survey identified ground-water discharge as a significant pathway for the loading of metals to surface water in the upper Animas River watershed from both acid-mine drainage and acid-rock drainage. In support of this ground...
Raymond H. Johnson, Laurie Wirt, Andrew H. Manning, Kenneth J. Leib, David L. Fey, Douglas B. Yager
The effects of acidic mine drainage from historical mines in the Animas River watershed, San Juan County, Colorado—What is being done and what can be done to improve water quality?
Historical production of metals in the western United States has left a legacy of acidic drainage and toxic metals in many mountain watersheds that are a potential threat to human and ecosystem health. Studies of the effects of historical mining on surface water chemistry and riparian habitat in the Animas River watershed have shown that cost-effective remediation of mine sites must be...
Stanley E. Church, Robert J. Owen, Paul Von Guerard, Philip L. Verplanck, Briant A. Kimball, Douglas B. Yager
Magnetic properties, acid neutralization capacity, and net acid production of rocks in the Animas River Watershed Silverton, Colorado
Federal land managers along with local stakeholders in the Upper Animas River watershed near Silverton, Colorado are actively designing and implementing mine waste remediation projects to mitigate the effects of acid mine drainage from several abandoned hard rock metal mines and mills. Local source rocks with high acid neutralization capacity (ANC) within the watershed are of interest to...
Anne E. McCafferty, Douglas B. Yager, Radley M. Horton, Sharon F. Diehl
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 18
Generalized geologic map of part of the upper Animas River watershed and vicinity, Silverton, Colorado
This dataset represents geology compiled for the upper Animas River Watershed near Silverton, Colorado. The source data used are derived from 1:24,000, 1:20,000, 1:48,000 and 1:250,000-scale geologic maps by geologists who have worked in this area since the early 1960's.
Geologic map of the Turkey Creek Caldera, Chiricahua Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona
No abstract available.
Filter Total Items: 36
GIS-Based Identification of Areas with Mineral Resource Potential for Six Selected Deposit Groups, Bureau of Land Management Central Yukon Planning Area, Alaska
This study, covering the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Central Yukon Planning Area (CYPA), Alaska, was prepared to aid BLM mineral resource management planning. Estimated mineral resource potential and certainty are mapped for six selected mineral deposit groups: (1) rare earth element (REE) deposits associated with peralkaline to carbonatitic intrusive igneous rocks, (2) placer and...
James V. Jones, Susan M. Karl, Keith A. Labay, Nora B. Shew, Matthew Granitto, Timothy S. Hayes, Jeffrey L. Mauk, Jeanine M. Schmidt, Erin Todd, Bronwen Wang, Melanie B. Werdon, Douglas B. Yager
A GIS and statistical approach to identify variables that control water quality in hydrothermally altered and mineralized watersheds, Silverton, Colorado, USA
Hydrothermally altered bedrock in the Silverton mining area, southwest Colorado, USA, contains sulfide minerals that weather to produce acidic and metal-rich leachate that is toxic to aquatic life. This study utilized a geographic information system (GIS) and statistical approach to identify watershed-scale geologic variables in the Silverton area that influence water quality. GIS...
Douglas B. Yager, Raymond H. Johnson, Barnaby W. Rockwell, Jonathan S. Caine, Kathleen S. Smith
Miscellaneous geochemical data from waters in the Upper Animas River Watershed, Colorado
This report releases geochemistry data in waters from the upper Animas River watershed that have been analyzed by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. These samples were collected at various sites and at various dates (41 sites and 86 samples from 2008 to 2010). A main data table is provided and the text discusses the sampling methods and locations in relation to other published...
Raymond H. Johnson, Douglas B. Yager
Analyzing legacy U.S. Geological Survey geochemical databases using GIS: applications for a national mineral resource assessment
This report emphasizes geographic information system analysis and the display of data stored in the legacy U.S. Geological Survey National Geochemical Database for use in mineral resource investigations. Geochemical analyses of soils, stream sediments, and rocks that are archived in the National Geochemical Database provide an extensive data source for investigating geochemical anomalies...
Douglas B. Yager, Albert H. Hofstra, Matthew Granitto
Geochemical data from waters in Prospect Gulch, San Juan County, Colorado, that span pre- and post-Lark Mine remediation
In San Juan County, Colorado, the effects of historical mining continue to contribute dissolved metals to groundwater and surface water. Water samples in Prospect Gulch near Silverton, Colorado, were collected at selected locations that span pre- and post-reclamation activities at the Lark Mine, located in the Prospect Gulch watershed. Geochemical results from those water samples are...
Raymond H. Johnson, Douglas B. Yager, Hugh D. Johnson
A geologic and anthropogenic journey from the Precambrian to the new energy economy through the San Juan volcanic field
The San Juan volcanic field comprises 25,000 km2 of intermediate composition mid-Tertiary volcanic rocks and dacitic to rhyolitic calderas including the San Juan–Uncompahgre and La Garita caldera-forming super-volcanoes. The region is famous for the geological, ecological, hydrological, archeological, and climatological diversity. These characteristics supported ancestral Puebloan...
Douglas B. Yager, Burchell, Raymond H. Johnson
Acid neutralizing capacity and leachate results for igneous rocks, with associated carbon contents of derived soils, Animas River AML site, Silverton, Colorado
Mine planning efforts have historically overlooked the possible acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) that local igneous rocks can provide to help neutralize acidmine drainage. As a result, limestone has been traditionally hauled to mine sites for use in neutralizing acid drainage. Local igneous rocks, when used as part of mine life-cycle planning and acid mitigation strategy, may reduce the...
Douglas B. Yager, Mark R. Stanton, LaDonna M. Choate, Burchell
Net Acid Production, Acid Neutralizing Capacity, and Associated Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Animas River Watershed Igneous Rocks Near Silverton, Colorado
This report presents results from laboratory and field studies involving the net acid production (NAP), acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), and magnetic mineralogy of 27 samples collected in altered volcanic terrain in the upper Animas River watershed near Silverton, Colo., during the summer of 2005. Sampling focused mainly on the volumetrically important, Tertiary-age volcanic and...
Douglas B. Yager, LaDonna Choate, Mark R. Stanton
Mineralogy from Cores in Prospect Gulch, San Juan County, Colorado
In the late nineteenth century, San Juan County, Colorado, was the center of a metal mining boom in the San Juan Mountains. Although most mining activity ceased by the 1990s, the effects of historical mining continue to contribute metals to ground water and surface water. Previous research by the U.S. Geological Survey identified ground-water discharge as a significant pathway for the...
Dana J. Bove, Raymond H. Johnson, Douglas B. Yager
Geochemistry of Surface and Ground Water in Cement Creek from Gladstone to Georgia Gulch and in Prospect Gulch, San Juan County, Colorado
In San Juan County, Colo., the effects of historical mining continue to contribute metals to ground water and surface water. Previous research by the U.S. Geological Survey identified ground-water discharge as a significant pathway for the loading of metals to surface water in the upper Animas River watershed from both acid-mine drainage and acid-rock drainage. In support of this ground...
Raymond H. Johnson, Laurie Wirt, Andrew H. Manning, Kenneth J. Leib, David L. Fey, Douglas B. Yager
The effects of acidic mine drainage from historical mines in the Animas River watershed, San Juan County, Colorado—What is being done and what can be done to improve water quality?
Historical production of metals in the western United States has left a legacy of acidic drainage and toxic metals in many mountain watersheds that are a potential threat to human and ecosystem health. Studies of the effects of historical mining on surface water chemistry and riparian habitat in the Animas River watershed have shown that cost-effective remediation of mine sites must be...
Stanley E. Church, Robert J. Owen, Paul Von Guerard, Philip L. Verplanck, Briant A. Kimball, Douglas B. Yager
Magnetic properties, acid neutralization capacity, and net acid production of rocks in the Animas River Watershed Silverton, Colorado
Federal land managers along with local stakeholders in the Upper Animas River watershed near Silverton, Colorado are actively designing and implementing mine waste remediation projects to mitigate the effects of acid mine drainage from several abandoned hard rock metal mines and mills. Local source rocks with high acid neutralization capacity (ANC) within the watershed are of interest to...
Anne E. McCafferty, Douglas B. Yager, Radley M. Horton, Sharon F. Diehl