Howard Ginsberg, Ph.D. (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 110
Environmental management of mosquito-borne viruses in Rhode Island
West Nile Virus (WNV) and Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus (EEEV) are both primarily bird viruses, which can be transmitted by several mosquito species. Differences in larval habitats, flight, and biting patterns of the primary vector species result in substantial differences in epidemiology, with WNV more common, primarily occurring in urban areas, and EEEV relatively rare, typically...
Howard S. Ginsberg, Alan Gettman, Elisabeth Becker, Ananda S. Bandyopadhyay, Roger A. LeBrun
Flagging versus dragging as sampling methods for nymphal Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae)
The nymphal stage of the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae), is responsible for most transmission of Borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of Lyme disease, to humans in North America. From 2010 to fall of 2012, we compared two commonly used techniques, flagging and dragging, as sampling methods for nymphal I. scapularis at three sites, each with multiple sampling...
Eric L. Rulison, Isis Kuczaj, Genevieve Pang, Graham J. Hickling, Jean I. Tsao, Howard S. Ginsberg
A 4-year study of invasive and native spider populations in Maine
Invasive spiders pose potential threats to native spiders. In 2002, the European spider Linyphia triangularis (Clerck, 1757) (Araneae: Linyphiidae) was discovered in all but one county in Maine. At Acadia National Park, we conducted a 4-year study of L. triangularis and three native linyphiid species of a similar size (Frontinella communis (Hentz, 1850), Pityohyphantes subarcticus...
Elizabeth M. Jakob, Adam H. Porter, Howard Ginsberg, Julie V. Bednarski, Jeremy Houser
Emerging dragonfly diversity at small Rhode Island (U.S.A.) wetlands along an urbanization gradient
Natal habitat use by dragonflies was assessed on an urban to rural land-use gradient at a set of 21 wetlands, during two emergence seasons (2004, 2005). The wetlands were characterized for urbanization level by using the first factor from a principal components analysis combining chloride concentration in the wetland and percent forest in the surrounding buffer zone. Measurements of...
Maria A. Aliberti Lubertazzi, Howard S. Ginsberg
Competitive interactions between a native spider (Frontinella communis, Araneae: Linyphiidae) and an invasive spider (Linyphia triangularis, Araneae: Linyphiidae)
There are numerous reports of spiders that have become established outside of their native ranges, but few studies examine their impact on native spiders. We examined the effect of the European hammock spider Linyphia triangularis (Araneae, Linyphiidae) on the native bowl-and-doily spider Frontinella communis (Araneae, Linyphiidae) in Acadia National Park, Maine, USA. First, we added L...
Julie V. Bednarski, Howard S. Ginsberg, Elizabeth M. Jakob
The use of early summer mosquito surveillance to predict late summer West Nile virus activity
Utility of early-season mosquito surveillance to predict West Nile virus activity in late summer was assessed in Suffolk County, NY. Dry ice-baited CDC miniature light traps paired with gravid traps were set weekly. Maximum-likelihood estimates of WNV positivity, minimum infection rates, and % positive pools were generally well correlated. However, positivity in gravid traps was not...
Howard S. Ginsberg, Ilia Rochlin, Scott R. Campbell
Evaluation of nontarget effects of methoprene applied to catch basins for mosquito control
The mosquito larvicide methoprene is a juvenile growth hormone mimic that is widely used to control mosquito larvae in stormwater catch basins. This study addresses two concerns pertaining to methoprene's use for mosquito control. First, measurements of methoprene concentrations were made from water in catch basins that had been treated with methoprene and from an adjoining salt pond...
Mari Butler, Howard S. Ginsberg, Roger A. LeBrun, Alan Gettman
Host‐seeking activity and avian host preferences of mosquitoes associated with West Nile virus transmission in the northeastern U.S.A.
Mosquito host‐seeking activity was studied using a custom‐designed trap to explore: (1) at which time interval of the night adult mosquito abatement would be most effective, and (2) if there exists an avian‐specific host‐seeking preference. Overnight trials using traps baited with dry ice showed that Aedes taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann) was most active at dusk and was then captured...
Channsotha Suom, Howard S. Ginsberg, Andrew Bernick, Coby Klein, P. A. Buckley, Christa Salvatore, Roger A. LeBrun
Highly variable acquisition rates of Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) by birds on an Atlantic barrier island
Acquisition of ticks by bird hosts is a central process in the transmission cycles of many tick-borne zoonoses, but tick recruitment by birds has received little direct study. We documented acquisition of Ixodes scapularis Say on birds at Fire Island, NY, by removing ticks from mist-netted birds, and recording the number of ticks on birds recaptured within 4 d of release. Eight bird...
S. S. Mitra, P. A. Buckley, F. G. Buckley, H. S. Ginsberg
Effects of open marsh water management on numbers of larval salt marsh mosquitoes
Open marsh water management (OMWM) is a commonly used approach to manage salt marsh mosquitoes than can obviate the need for pesticide application and at the same time, partially restore natural functions of grid-ditched marshes. OMWM includes a variety of hydrologic manipulations, often tailored to the specific conditions on individual marshes, so the overall effectiveness of this...
Mary-Jane James-Pirri, Howard S. Ginsberg, R. Michael Erwin, Janith Taylor
Distribution and abundance of host-seeking Culex species at three proximate locations with different levels of West Nile virus activity
Culex species were monitored at three proximate sites with historically different West Nile virus (WNV) activities. The site with human WNV transmission (epidemic) had the lowest abundance of the putative bridge vectors, Culex pipiens and Cx. salinarius. The site with horse cases but not human cases (epizootic) had the highest percent composition of Cx. salinarius, whereas the site with...
Ilia Rochlin, Howard S. Ginsberg, Scott R. Campbell
Persistence of dragonfly exuviae on vegetation and rock substrates
Surveys of dragonfly exuviae have been used to assess rare species' habitats, lake water quality status, and wetland restoration programs. Knowledge of the persistence of exuviae on various substrates is necessary to accurately interpret exuvial surveys. In 2006, we recorded exuvial persistence at defined areas in a variety of small freshwater wetlands in Rhode Island. Exuviae were field...
Maria A. Aliberti Lubertazzi, H. S. Ginsberg
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 110
Environmental management of mosquito-borne viruses in Rhode Island
West Nile Virus (WNV) and Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus (EEEV) are both primarily bird viruses, which can be transmitted by several mosquito species. Differences in larval habitats, flight, and biting patterns of the primary vector species result in substantial differences in epidemiology, with WNV more common, primarily occurring in urban areas, and EEEV relatively rare, typically...
Howard S. Ginsberg, Alan Gettman, Elisabeth Becker, Ananda S. Bandyopadhyay, Roger A. LeBrun
Flagging versus dragging as sampling methods for nymphal Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae)
The nymphal stage of the blacklegged tick, Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae), is responsible for most transmission of Borrelia burgdorferi, the etiologic agent of Lyme disease, to humans in North America. From 2010 to fall of 2012, we compared two commonly used techniques, flagging and dragging, as sampling methods for nymphal I. scapularis at three sites, each with multiple sampling...
Eric L. Rulison, Isis Kuczaj, Genevieve Pang, Graham J. Hickling, Jean I. Tsao, Howard S. Ginsberg
A 4-year study of invasive and native spider populations in Maine
Invasive spiders pose potential threats to native spiders. In 2002, the European spider Linyphia triangularis (Clerck, 1757) (Araneae: Linyphiidae) was discovered in all but one county in Maine. At Acadia National Park, we conducted a 4-year study of L. triangularis and three native linyphiid species of a similar size (Frontinella communis (Hentz, 1850), Pityohyphantes subarcticus...
Elizabeth M. Jakob, Adam H. Porter, Howard Ginsberg, Julie V. Bednarski, Jeremy Houser
Emerging dragonfly diversity at small Rhode Island (U.S.A.) wetlands along an urbanization gradient
Natal habitat use by dragonflies was assessed on an urban to rural land-use gradient at a set of 21 wetlands, during two emergence seasons (2004, 2005). The wetlands were characterized for urbanization level by using the first factor from a principal components analysis combining chloride concentration in the wetland and percent forest in the surrounding buffer zone. Measurements of...
Maria A. Aliberti Lubertazzi, Howard S. Ginsberg
Competitive interactions between a native spider (Frontinella communis, Araneae: Linyphiidae) and an invasive spider (Linyphia triangularis, Araneae: Linyphiidae)
There are numerous reports of spiders that have become established outside of their native ranges, but few studies examine their impact on native spiders. We examined the effect of the European hammock spider Linyphia triangularis (Araneae, Linyphiidae) on the native bowl-and-doily spider Frontinella communis (Araneae, Linyphiidae) in Acadia National Park, Maine, USA. First, we added L...
Julie V. Bednarski, Howard S. Ginsberg, Elizabeth M. Jakob
The use of early summer mosquito surveillance to predict late summer West Nile virus activity
Utility of early-season mosquito surveillance to predict West Nile virus activity in late summer was assessed in Suffolk County, NY. Dry ice-baited CDC miniature light traps paired with gravid traps were set weekly. Maximum-likelihood estimates of WNV positivity, minimum infection rates, and % positive pools were generally well correlated. However, positivity in gravid traps was not...
Howard S. Ginsberg, Ilia Rochlin, Scott R. Campbell
Evaluation of nontarget effects of methoprene applied to catch basins for mosquito control
The mosquito larvicide methoprene is a juvenile growth hormone mimic that is widely used to control mosquito larvae in stormwater catch basins. This study addresses two concerns pertaining to methoprene's use for mosquito control. First, measurements of methoprene concentrations were made from water in catch basins that had been treated with methoprene and from an adjoining salt pond...
Mari Butler, Howard S. Ginsberg, Roger A. LeBrun, Alan Gettman
Host‐seeking activity and avian host preferences of mosquitoes associated with West Nile virus transmission in the northeastern U.S.A.
Mosquito host‐seeking activity was studied using a custom‐designed trap to explore: (1) at which time interval of the night adult mosquito abatement would be most effective, and (2) if there exists an avian‐specific host‐seeking preference. Overnight trials using traps baited with dry ice showed that Aedes taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann) was most active at dusk and was then captured...
Channsotha Suom, Howard S. Ginsberg, Andrew Bernick, Coby Klein, P. A. Buckley, Christa Salvatore, Roger A. LeBrun
Highly variable acquisition rates of Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) by birds on an Atlantic barrier island
Acquisition of ticks by bird hosts is a central process in the transmission cycles of many tick-borne zoonoses, but tick recruitment by birds has received little direct study. We documented acquisition of Ixodes scapularis Say on birds at Fire Island, NY, by removing ticks from mist-netted birds, and recording the number of ticks on birds recaptured within 4 d of release. Eight bird...
S. S. Mitra, P. A. Buckley, F. G. Buckley, H. S. Ginsberg
Effects of open marsh water management on numbers of larval salt marsh mosquitoes
Open marsh water management (OMWM) is a commonly used approach to manage salt marsh mosquitoes than can obviate the need for pesticide application and at the same time, partially restore natural functions of grid-ditched marshes. OMWM includes a variety of hydrologic manipulations, often tailored to the specific conditions on individual marshes, so the overall effectiveness of this...
Mary-Jane James-Pirri, Howard S. Ginsberg, R. Michael Erwin, Janith Taylor
Distribution and abundance of host-seeking Culex species at three proximate locations with different levels of West Nile virus activity
Culex species were monitored at three proximate sites with historically different West Nile virus (WNV) activities. The site with human WNV transmission (epidemic) had the lowest abundance of the putative bridge vectors, Culex pipiens and Cx. salinarius. The site with horse cases but not human cases (epizootic) had the highest percent composition of Cx. salinarius, whereas the site with...
Ilia Rochlin, Howard S. Ginsberg, Scott R. Campbell
Persistence of dragonfly exuviae on vegetation and rock substrates
Surveys of dragonfly exuviae have been used to assess rare species' habitats, lake water quality status, and wetland restoration programs. Knowledge of the persistence of exuviae on various substrates is necessary to accurately interpret exuvial surveys. In 2006, we recorded exuvial persistence at defined areas in a variety of small freshwater wetlands in Rhode Island. Exuviae were field...
Maria A. Aliberti Lubertazzi, H. S. Ginsberg