James H Johnson, PhD (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Data releases by this scientist
Abiotic data collected in the St. Lawrence River and several tributaries in and adjacent to the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe reservation in northern New York, 2004
This data set includes the sample site locations, site descriptions, and abiotic data used in the analyses reported in McKenna et al. 2008. The data represent selected abiotic conditions within the St. Lawrence and lower reaches of four US tributaries during 2004. Samples were collected from shallow, seinable areas (less than 1.5 m) of the St. Lawrence River, adjacent wetland channels...
Genetic species identification of larval Coregonines from Chaumont Bay (New York), Lake Ontario
Location, occurrence, collection information, and genetic species identification data in support of an analysis of the spatial separation of Lake Whitefish and Cisco larvae in Chaumont Bay, Lake Ontario, the last known spawning area of both species in American waters of Lake Ontario. Genetic species identification of larval coregonines collected between April 2004 and 2015 is provided...
Publications by this scientist
Filter Total Items: 86
U.S. Geological Survey Tunison Laboratory of Aquatic Science research to rehabilitate native prey fish of the Lake Ontario fish community—Coregonine fishes
This product is temporarily unavailable.
James E. McKenna, James H. Johnson, Steven Lapan, Marc Chalupnicki, Gregg Mackey, Mike Millard, Kevin Loftus, Michael Connerton, Christopher Legard, Brian Weidel, Dimitry Gorsky
Results of the collaborative Lake Ontario bloater restoration stocking and assessment, 2012–2020
Bloater, Coregonus hoyi, are deepwater planktivores native to the Laurentian Great Lakes and Lake Nipigon. Interpretations of commercial fishery time series suggest they were common in Lake Ontario through the early 1900s but by the 1950s were no longer captured by commercial fishers. Annual bottom trawl surveys that began in 1978 and sampled extensively across putative bloater habitat...
Brian Weidel, Amanda Susanne Ackiss, Marc Chalupnicki, Michael Connerton, Steve Davis, John M. Dettmers, Timothy Drew, Aaron T. Fisk, Roger Gordon, S. Dale Hanson, Jeremy Holden, Mark E. Holey, James H. Johnson, Timothy B. Johnson, Colin Lake, Brian F. Lantry, Kevin Loftus, Gregg Mackey, James E. McKenna, Michael J. Millard, Scott P. Minihkeim, Brian O'Malley, Adam Rupnik, Andrew C. Todd, Steven Lapan
Spatial segregation of cisco (Coregonus artedi) and lake whitefish (C. clupeaformis) larvae in Chaumont Bay, Lake Ontario
Abstract Two of the remaining coregonine species in Lake Ontario, cisco (Coregonus artedi) and lake whitefish (C. clupeaformis), spawn in Chaumont Bay, NY. Larvae co-occur in the spring but are difficult to distinguish morphologically. We applied genetic species identification using microsatellite DNA loci of 268 larvae from known locations in nearshore and offshore habitats in Chaumont...
James E. McKenna, Wendylee Stott, Marc Chalupnicki, James H. Johnson
Habitat use by juvenile salmonids in Lake Ontario tributaries-species, age, diel and seasonal effects
Understanding the habitat needs of fish and how these requirements may change seasonally over a 24-h period is important, especially for highly managed sport species. Consequently, we examined the diel and seasonal habitat use of four juvenile salmonid species in streams in the Lake Ontario watershed. For juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salarand juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss...
James H. Johnson, James E. McKenna
Diet, feeding patterns, and prey selection of subyearling Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and subyearling chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in a tributary of Lake Ontario
Since juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) occupy a similar habitat in Lake Ontario tributaries, we sought to determine the degree of diet similarity between these species in order to assess the potential for interspecific competition. Atlantic salmon, an historically important but currently extirpated component of the Lake Ontario fish...
J. H. Johnson, K. J. Nash, R. A. Chiavelli, J. A. DiRado, G. E. Mackey, J. R. Knight, A. R. Diaz
Microhabitat and biology of Sphaerium striatinum in a central New York stream
In many lotic systems, drastic declines in freshwater bivalve populations, including fingernail clams (Sphaeriidae), have created concerns about biodiversity and future ecosystem services. We examined the local occurrence of the historically common fingernail clam, Sphaerium striatinum, in a central New York stream. We sampled the density of sphaeriids and measured the associated habitat...
Dawn E. Dittman, James H. Johnson, Christopher C. Nack
Feeding ecology of Brook Silverside, Golden Shiner, and Subyearling Pumpkinseed in a Lake Ontario embayment
Fish feeding ecology has been shown to vary over a 24-h period in terms of the prey consumed and feeding intensity. Consequently, in order to best determine the interspecific feeding associations within a fish community, examination of the diet at multiple times over a 24-h period is often necessary. We examined the diel feeding ecology of three fish species that were numerically...
James H. Johnson, Marc Chalupnicki, Ross Abbett, Avriel R Diaz, Christopher C Nack
Summer-autumn habitat use of yearling rainbow trout in two streams in the Lake Ontario watershed
Understanding the habitat requirements of salmonids in streams is an important component of fisheries management. We examined the summer and autumn habitat use of yearling Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in relation to available habitat in two streams in the Lake Ontario watershed. Little interstream variation in trout habitat use was observed; the variation that did occur was largely...
James H. Johnson, James E. McKenna, Marc Chalupnicki
Feeding periodicity, diet composition, and food consumption of subyearling rainbow trout in winter
Although winter is a critically important period for stream salmonids, aspects of the ecology of several species are poorly understood. Consequently, we examined the diel feeding ecology of subyearling rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during winter in a central New York stream. Rainbow trout diet was significantly different during each 4-h interval and also differed from the drift and...
James H. Johnson, Marc Chalupnicki, Ross Abbett
Predation on Chinook Salmon parr by hatchery salmonids and Fallfish in the Salmon River, New York
Naturally reproduced Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha contribute substantially to the fishery in Lake Ontario. The Salmon River, a Lake Ontario tributary in New York, produces the largest numbers of naturally spawned Chinook Salmon, with parr abundance in the river often exceeding 10 million. In the spring of each year, large numbers of hatchery salmonid yearlings—potential...
James H. Johnson, Christopher C. Nack, Marc Chalupnicki, Ross Abbett, James E. McKenna
Predation on Pacific salmonid eggs and carcass's by subyearling Atlantic salmon in a tributary of Lake Ontario
A binational effort to reintroduce Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) that were extirpated in the Lake Ontario ecosystem for over a century is currently being undertaken by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Reintroduction actions include the release of several life stages including fry, fall fingerlings, and yearling...
James H. Johnson, Marc A. Chalupnicki, Ross Abbett, Francis Verdoliva
Diel diet of fantail darter in a tributary to Lake Ontario, New York, USA
The foraging behavior of benthic fishes in streams is seldom examined but is vital to the health of the aquatic community. We examined the feeding ecology of the fantail darter (Etheostoma flaballere) in Trout Brook, a tributary of the Salmon River in central New York, USA. Of the six time periods examined, fantail darters fed most intensely from 1600–2000 h, with ephemeropterans the...
Marc A. Chalupnicki, James H. Johnson
Non-USGS Publications**
Johnson, J. H. and D. S. Dropkin. 1994. Biology of subyearling carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the Juniata River, Pennsylvania. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 68:34-36.
Rottiers, D. V. and J. H. Johnson. 1993. Gastric evacuation rates of larval American shad by two species of cyprinids. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2:147-151.
Johnson, J. H. and D. S. Dropkin. 1993. Diel variation in diet composition of a riverine fish community. Hydrobiologia 149-158.
Johnson, J. H. and D. S. Dropkin. 1992. Piscivory by the central stoneroller Campostoma anomalum (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae). Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 66:90-91.
Johnson, J. H. and D. S. Dropkin. 1992. Predation on recently stocked American shad larvae in the Susquehanna River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 12:504-508.
Johnson, J. H., D. S. Dropkin, and P. G. Shaffer. 1992. Habitat use by a headwater stream fish community in North Central Pennsylvania. Rivers 3:69-79.
Johnson, J. H., A. A. Nigro, and R. O. Temple. 1992. Evaluating enhancement of striped bass in the context of potential predation on anadromous salmonids in Coos Bay, Oregon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 12:103-108.
Johnson, J. H. and D. S. Dropkin. 1991. Summer food habits of spotfin shiner, mimic shiner, and juvenile fallfish in the Susquehanna River. Journal Freshwater Ecology 6:35-42.
Sheppard, J. D. and J. H. Johnson. 1985. Probability-of-use for depth, velocity and substrate type by subyearling coho salmon and steelhead trout in Lake Ontario tributaries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 5:277-282.
Marsh, J. H. and J. H. Johnson. 1985. The role Stevens Treaty tribes in the management of anadromous fish runs in the Columbia Basin. Fisheries 10:2-5.
Johnson, J. H. and P. A. Kucera. 1985. Summer-autumn habitat utilization of sub-yearling steelhead trout in tributaries of the Clearwater River, Idaho. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63:2283-2290.
Johnson, J. H. 1985. Diel feeding ecology of the nymphs of Aeshna multicolor and Lestes unquiculatus (Odonata). Freshwater Biology 15:749-755.
Johnson, J. H. 1985. Comparative diets of Paiute sculpin, speckled dace, and subyearling steelhead trout in tributaries of the Clearwater River, Idaho. Northwest Science 59:1-9.
Johnson, J. H. and E. Z. Johnson. 1984. Comparative diets of subyearling redbreast sunfish and northern redbelly dace in an Adirondack Lake. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 2:587-591.
Johnson, J. H. 1983. Summer diet of juvenile fishes in the St. Lawrence River. New York Fish and Game Journal 30:91-99.
Johnson, J. H. 1983. Food habits of recently stocked subyearling Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Lake Ontario. New York Fish and Game Journal 30:115-116.
Johnson, J. H. 1983. Diel food habits of two species of setipalpian stoneflies (Plecoptera) in tributaries of the Clearwater River, Idaho. Freshwater Biology 13:105-111.
Ringler, N. H. and J. H. Johnson. 1982. Diet composition and diel feeding periodicity of some fishes in the St. Lawrence River. New York Fish and Game Journal 29:65-74.
Johnson, J. H. and E. Z. Johnson. 1982. Observations on the eye-picking behavior of the cutlips minnow, Exoglossum maxillinqua. Copeia 1982:711-712.
Johnson, J. H. and E. Z. Johnson. 1982. Diel foraging in relation to available food in an Adirondack Mountain stream fish community. Hydrobiologia 96:97-104.
Johnson, J. H. 1982. Summer feeding ecology of blacknose dace, Rhinichthys atratulus, in a tributary of Lake Ontario. Canadian Field-Naturalist 96:282-286.
Johnson, J. H. 1982. Diet composition and prey selection of Cordulegaster maculata Sel. Larvae (Anisoptera: Cordulegasteridae). Notulae Odonatologicae 1:151-152.
Johnson, J. H. 1982. Comparative diets of planted rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus) in a prairie impoundment in North Central Idaho. Proceedings West. Assoc. Fish and Wildlife Agencies 62:611-618.
Johnson, J. H. 1981. The summer diet of the cutlips minnow, Exoglossum maxillinqua, in a central New York stream. Copeia 1981:484-487.
Johnson, J. H. 1981. Predation on the eggs of steelhead trout by stream salmonids in a tributary of Lake Ontario. Progressive Fish-Culturist 43:36-37.
Johnson, J. H. 1981. Food interrelationships of coexisting brook, brown, and yearling rainbow trout in tributaries of the Salmon River, New York. New York Fish and Game Journal 28:88-99.
Johnson, J. H. 1981. Comparative food selection of subyearling coho salmon, Chinook salmon, and rainbow trout in a tributary of Lake Ontario. New York Fish and Game Journal 28:150-161.
Johnson, J. H. 1981. Food habits and dietary overlap of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a tributary of Lake Ontario. Canadian Journal of Zoology 59:2030-2037.
Johnson, J. H. and E. Z. Johnson. 1981. Feeding periodicity and diel variation in diet composition of subyearling coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) in a small stream during summer. Fisheries Bulletin, U.S. 79:370-376.
Johnson, J. H. and N. H. Ringler. 1981. Predation on immature midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) by recently emerged coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch). New York Fish and Game Journal 28:121.
Johnson, J. H. and N. H. Ringler. 1981. Natural hybridization of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) with notes on meristic variation. Copeia 1981:720-721.
Johnson, J. H. and N. H. Ringler. 1981. Natural reproduction and juvenile ecology of Pacific salmon and rainbow trout in tributaries of the Salmon River, New York. New York Fish and Game Journal 28:49-60.
Johnson, J. H. and N. H. Ringler. 1980. Diets of juvenile coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) relative to prey availability. Canadian Journal of Zoology 58:553-558.
Johnson, J. H. 1980. Production and growth of subyearling coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) and steelhead (Salmo gairdneri) in Orwell brook, tributary of the Salmon River, New York. Fisheries Bulletin, U.S. 78:549-554.
Johnson, J. H. and N. H. Ringler. 1979. The occurrence of blow-fly larvae (Diptera: Calliphoridae) on salmon carcasses and their utilization as food by juvenile salmon and trout. Great Lakes Entomologist 12:137-140.
Johnson, J. H. and N. H. Ringler. 1979. Predation on Pacific salmon eggs by salmonids in a tributary of Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 5:177-181.
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.
Science and Products
Data releases by this scientist
Abiotic data collected in the St. Lawrence River and several tributaries in and adjacent to the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe reservation in northern New York, 2004
This data set includes the sample site locations, site descriptions, and abiotic data used in the analyses reported in McKenna et al. 2008. The data represent selected abiotic conditions within the St. Lawrence and lower reaches of four US tributaries during 2004. Samples were collected from shallow, seinable areas (less than 1.5 m) of the St. Lawrence River, adjacent wetland channels...
Genetic species identification of larval Coregonines from Chaumont Bay (New York), Lake Ontario
Location, occurrence, collection information, and genetic species identification data in support of an analysis of the spatial separation of Lake Whitefish and Cisco larvae in Chaumont Bay, Lake Ontario, the last known spawning area of both species in American waters of Lake Ontario. Genetic species identification of larval coregonines collected between April 2004 and 2015 is provided...
Publications by this scientist
Filter Total Items: 86
U.S. Geological Survey Tunison Laboratory of Aquatic Science research to rehabilitate native prey fish of the Lake Ontario fish community—Coregonine fishes
This product is temporarily unavailable.
James E. McKenna, James H. Johnson, Steven Lapan, Marc Chalupnicki, Gregg Mackey, Mike Millard, Kevin Loftus, Michael Connerton, Christopher Legard, Brian Weidel, Dimitry Gorsky
Results of the collaborative Lake Ontario bloater restoration stocking and assessment, 2012–2020
Bloater, Coregonus hoyi, are deepwater planktivores native to the Laurentian Great Lakes and Lake Nipigon. Interpretations of commercial fishery time series suggest they were common in Lake Ontario through the early 1900s but by the 1950s were no longer captured by commercial fishers. Annual bottom trawl surveys that began in 1978 and sampled extensively across putative bloater habitat...
Brian Weidel, Amanda Susanne Ackiss, Marc Chalupnicki, Michael Connerton, Steve Davis, John M. Dettmers, Timothy Drew, Aaron T. Fisk, Roger Gordon, S. Dale Hanson, Jeremy Holden, Mark E. Holey, James H. Johnson, Timothy B. Johnson, Colin Lake, Brian F. Lantry, Kevin Loftus, Gregg Mackey, James E. McKenna, Michael J. Millard, Scott P. Minihkeim, Brian O'Malley, Adam Rupnik, Andrew C. Todd, Steven Lapan
Spatial segregation of cisco (Coregonus artedi) and lake whitefish (C. clupeaformis) larvae in Chaumont Bay, Lake Ontario
Abstract Two of the remaining coregonine species in Lake Ontario, cisco (Coregonus artedi) and lake whitefish (C. clupeaformis), spawn in Chaumont Bay, NY. Larvae co-occur in the spring but are difficult to distinguish morphologically. We applied genetic species identification using microsatellite DNA loci of 268 larvae from known locations in nearshore and offshore habitats in Chaumont...
James E. McKenna, Wendylee Stott, Marc Chalupnicki, James H. Johnson
Habitat use by juvenile salmonids in Lake Ontario tributaries-species, age, diel and seasonal effects
Understanding the habitat needs of fish and how these requirements may change seasonally over a 24-h period is important, especially for highly managed sport species. Consequently, we examined the diel and seasonal habitat use of four juvenile salmonid species in streams in the Lake Ontario watershed. For juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salarand juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss...
James H. Johnson, James E. McKenna
Diet, feeding patterns, and prey selection of subyearling Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and subyearling chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in a tributary of Lake Ontario
Since juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) occupy a similar habitat in Lake Ontario tributaries, we sought to determine the degree of diet similarity between these species in order to assess the potential for interspecific competition. Atlantic salmon, an historically important but currently extirpated component of the Lake Ontario fish...
J. H. Johnson, K. J. Nash, R. A. Chiavelli, J. A. DiRado, G. E. Mackey, J. R. Knight, A. R. Diaz
Microhabitat and biology of Sphaerium striatinum in a central New York stream
In many lotic systems, drastic declines in freshwater bivalve populations, including fingernail clams (Sphaeriidae), have created concerns about biodiversity and future ecosystem services. We examined the local occurrence of the historically common fingernail clam, Sphaerium striatinum, in a central New York stream. We sampled the density of sphaeriids and measured the associated habitat...
Dawn E. Dittman, James H. Johnson, Christopher C. Nack
Feeding ecology of Brook Silverside, Golden Shiner, and Subyearling Pumpkinseed in a Lake Ontario embayment
Fish feeding ecology has been shown to vary over a 24-h period in terms of the prey consumed and feeding intensity. Consequently, in order to best determine the interspecific feeding associations within a fish community, examination of the diet at multiple times over a 24-h period is often necessary. We examined the diel feeding ecology of three fish species that were numerically...
James H. Johnson, Marc Chalupnicki, Ross Abbett, Avriel R Diaz, Christopher C Nack
Summer-autumn habitat use of yearling rainbow trout in two streams in the Lake Ontario watershed
Understanding the habitat requirements of salmonids in streams is an important component of fisheries management. We examined the summer and autumn habitat use of yearling Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in relation to available habitat in two streams in the Lake Ontario watershed. Little interstream variation in trout habitat use was observed; the variation that did occur was largely...
James H. Johnson, James E. McKenna, Marc Chalupnicki
Feeding periodicity, diet composition, and food consumption of subyearling rainbow trout in winter
Although winter is a critically important period for stream salmonids, aspects of the ecology of several species are poorly understood. Consequently, we examined the diel feeding ecology of subyearling rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during winter in a central New York stream. Rainbow trout diet was significantly different during each 4-h interval and also differed from the drift and...
James H. Johnson, Marc Chalupnicki, Ross Abbett
Predation on Chinook Salmon parr by hatchery salmonids and Fallfish in the Salmon River, New York
Naturally reproduced Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha contribute substantially to the fishery in Lake Ontario. The Salmon River, a Lake Ontario tributary in New York, produces the largest numbers of naturally spawned Chinook Salmon, with parr abundance in the river often exceeding 10 million. In the spring of each year, large numbers of hatchery salmonid yearlings—potential...
James H. Johnson, Christopher C. Nack, Marc Chalupnicki, Ross Abbett, James E. McKenna
Predation on Pacific salmonid eggs and carcass's by subyearling Atlantic salmon in a tributary of Lake Ontario
A binational effort to reintroduce Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) that were extirpated in the Lake Ontario ecosystem for over a century is currently being undertaken by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Reintroduction actions include the release of several life stages including fry, fall fingerlings, and yearling...
James H. Johnson, Marc A. Chalupnicki, Ross Abbett, Francis Verdoliva
Diel diet of fantail darter in a tributary to Lake Ontario, New York, USA
The foraging behavior of benthic fishes in streams is seldom examined but is vital to the health of the aquatic community. We examined the feeding ecology of the fantail darter (Etheostoma flaballere) in Trout Brook, a tributary of the Salmon River in central New York, USA. Of the six time periods examined, fantail darters fed most intensely from 1600–2000 h, with ephemeropterans the...
Marc A. Chalupnicki, James H. Johnson
Non-USGS Publications**
Johnson, J. H. and D. S. Dropkin. 1994. Biology of subyearling carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the Juniata River, Pennsylvania. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 68:34-36.
Rottiers, D. V. and J. H. Johnson. 1993. Gastric evacuation rates of larval American shad by two species of cyprinids. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2:147-151.
Johnson, J. H. and D. S. Dropkin. 1993. Diel variation in diet composition of a riverine fish community. Hydrobiologia 149-158.
Johnson, J. H. and D. S. Dropkin. 1992. Piscivory by the central stoneroller Campostoma anomalum (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae). Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 66:90-91.
Johnson, J. H. and D. S. Dropkin. 1992. Predation on recently stocked American shad larvae in the Susquehanna River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 12:504-508.
Johnson, J. H., D. S. Dropkin, and P. G. Shaffer. 1992. Habitat use by a headwater stream fish community in North Central Pennsylvania. Rivers 3:69-79.
Johnson, J. H., A. A. Nigro, and R. O. Temple. 1992. Evaluating enhancement of striped bass in the context of potential predation on anadromous salmonids in Coos Bay, Oregon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 12:103-108.
Johnson, J. H. and D. S. Dropkin. 1991. Summer food habits of spotfin shiner, mimic shiner, and juvenile fallfish in the Susquehanna River. Journal Freshwater Ecology 6:35-42.
Sheppard, J. D. and J. H. Johnson. 1985. Probability-of-use for depth, velocity and substrate type by subyearling coho salmon and steelhead trout in Lake Ontario tributaries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 5:277-282.
Marsh, J. H. and J. H. Johnson. 1985. The role Stevens Treaty tribes in the management of anadromous fish runs in the Columbia Basin. Fisheries 10:2-5.
Johnson, J. H. and P. A. Kucera. 1985. Summer-autumn habitat utilization of sub-yearling steelhead trout in tributaries of the Clearwater River, Idaho. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63:2283-2290.
Johnson, J. H. 1985. Diel feeding ecology of the nymphs of Aeshna multicolor and Lestes unquiculatus (Odonata). Freshwater Biology 15:749-755.
Johnson, J. H. 1985. Comparative diets of Paiute sculpin, speckled dace, and subyearling steelhead trout in tributaries of the Clearwater River, Idaho. Northwest Science 59:1-9.
Johnson, J. H. and E. Z. Johnson. 1984. Comparative diets of subyearling redbreast sunfish and northern redbelly dace in an Adirondack Lake. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 2:587-591.
Johnson, J. H. 1983. Summer diet of juvenile fishes in the St. Lawrence River. New York Fish and Game Journal 30:91-99.
Johnson, J. H. 1983. Food habits of recently stocked subyearling Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Lake Ontario. New York Fish and Game Journal 30:115-116.
Johnson, J. H. 1983. Diel food habits of two species of setipalpian stoneflies (Plecoptera) in tributaries of the Clearwater River, Idaho. Freshwater Biology 13:105-111.
Ringler, N. H. and J. H. Johnson. 1982. Diet composition and diel feeding periodicity of some fishes in the St. Lawrence River. New York Fish and Game Journal 29:65-74.
Johnson, J. H. and E. Z. Johnson. 1982. Observations on the eye-picking behavior of the cutlips minnow, Exoglossum maxillinqua. Copeia 1982:711-712.
Johnson, J. H. and E. Z. Johnson. 1982. Diel foraging in relation to available food in an Adirondack Mountain stream fish community. Hydrobiologia 96:97-104.
Johnson, J. H. 1982. Summer feeding ecology of blacknose dace, Rhinichthys atratulus, in a tributary of Lake Ontario. Canadian Field-Naturalist 96:282-286.
Johnson, J. H. 1982. Diet composition and prey selection of Cordulegaster maculata Sel. Larvae (Anisoptera: Cordulegasteridae). Notulae Odonatologicae 1:151-152.
Johnson, J. H. 1982. Comparative diets of planted rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus) in a prairie impoundment in North Central Idaho. Proceedings West. Assoc. Fish and Wildlife Agencies 62:611-618.
Johnson, J. H. 1981. The summer diet of the cutlips minnow, Exoglossum maxillinqua, in a central New York stream. Copeia 1981:484-487.
Johnson, J. H. 1981. Predation on the eggs of steelhead trout by stream salmonids in a tributary of Lake Ontario. Progressive Fish-Culturist 43:36-37.
Johnson, J. H. 1981. Food interrelationships of coexisting brook, brown, and yearling rainbow trout in tributaries of the Salmon River, New York. New York Fish and Game Journal 28:88-99.
Johnson, J. H. 1981. Comparative food selection of subyearling coho salmon, Chinook salmon, and rainbow trout in a tributary of Lake Ontario. New York Fish and Game Journal 28:150-161.
Johnson, J. H. 1981. Food habits and dietary overlap of perlid stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a tributary of Lake Ontario. Canadian Journal of Zoology 59:2030-2037.
Johnson, J. H. and E. Z. Johnson. 1981. Feeding periodicity and diel variation in diet composition of subyearling coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) in a small stream during summer. Fisheries Bulletin, U.S. 79:370-376.
Johnson, J. H. and N. H. Ringler. 1981. Predation on immature midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) by recently emerged coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch). New York Fish and Game Journal 28:121.
Johnson, J. H. and N. H. Ringler. 1981. Natural hybridization of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) with notes on meristic variation. Copeia 1981:720-721.
Johnson, J. H. and N. H. Ringler. 1981. Natural reproduction and juvenile ecology of Pacific salmon and rainbow trout in tributaries of the Salmon River, New York. New York Fish and Game Journal 28:49-60.
Johnson, J. H. and N. H. Ringler. 1980. Diets of juvenile coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch) and steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) relative to prey availability. Canadian Journal of Zoology 58:553-558.
Johnson, J. H. 1980. Production and growth of subyearling coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) and steelhead (Salmo gairdneri) in Orwell brook, tributary of the Salmon River, New York. Fisheries Bulletin, U.S. 78:549-554.
Johnson, J. H. and N. H. Ringler. 1979. The occurrence of blow-fly larvae (Diptera: Calliphoridae) on salmon carcasses and their utilization as food by juvenile salmon and trout. Great Lakes Entomologist 12:137-140.
Johnson, J. H. and N. H. Ringler. 1979. Predation on Pacific salmon eggs by salmonids in a tributary of Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 5:177-181.
**Disclaimer: The views expressed in Non-USGS publications are those of the author and do not represent the views of the USGS, Department of the Interior, or the U.S. Government.