Karen Burow (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 38
Assessing the Vulnerability of Public-Supply Wells to Contamination: Central Valley Aquifer System near Modesto, California
This fact sheet highlights findings from the vulnerability study of a public-supply well in Modesto, California. The well selected for study pumps on average about 1,600 gallons per minute from the Central Valley aquifer system during peak summer demand. Water samples were collected at the public-supply well and at monitoring wells installed in the Modesto vicinity. Samples from the...
Martha L. Jagucki, Bryant C. Jurgens, Karen R. Burow, Sandra M. Eberts
Effects of Groundwater Development on Uranium: Central Valley, California, USA
Uranium (U) concentrations in groundwater in several parts of the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California, have exceeded federal and state drinking water standards during the last 20 years. The San Joaquin Valley is located within the Central Valley of California and is one of the most productive agricultural areas in the world. Increased irrigation and pumping associated with...
Bryant C. Jurgens, Miranda S. Fram, Kenneth Belitz, Karen R. Burow, Matthew K. Landon
Spatial and temporal trends in nitrate concentrations in the eastern San Joaquin Valley regional aquifer and implications for fertilizer management
Ground-water withdrawals in the San Joaquin Valley totaled 64 million m3 /day (19 million ac-ft) in 2000, supplying about 45% of agricultural irrigation demand and about 80% of municipal supply (Hutson et al., 2004). Most of the population and ground-water use are in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, where reliance on ground water is expected to increase as a result of rapid population...
Karen R. Burow, Christopher T. Green
Hydrogeology, Water Chemistry, and Factors Affecting the Transport of Contaminants in the Zone of Contribution of a Public-Supply Well in Modesto, Eastern San Joaquin Valley, California
Ground-water chemistry in the zone of contribution of a public-supply well in Modesto, California, was studied by the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program's topical team for Transport of Anthropogenic and Natural Contaminants (TANC) to supply wells. Twenty-three monitoring wells were installed in Modesto to record baseline hydraulic information and to...
Bryant C. Jurgens, Karen R. Burow, Barbara A. Dalgish, Jennifer L. Shelton
Simulations of ground-water flow and particle pathline analysis in the zone of contribution of a public-supply well in Modesto, eastern San Joaquin Valley, California
Shallow ground water in the eastern San Joaquin Valley is affected by high nitrate and uranium concentrations and frequent detections of pesticides and volatile organic compounds (VOC), as a result of ground-water development and intensive agricultural and urban land use. A single public-supply well was selected for intensive study to evaluate the dominant processes affecting the...
Karen R. Burow, Bryant C. Jurgens, Leon J. Kauffman, Steven P. Phillips, Barbara A. Dalgish, Jennifer L. Shelton
Simulated response of water quality in public supply wells to land use change
Understanding how changes in land use affect water quality of public supply wells (PSW) is important because of the strong influence of land use on water quality, the rapid pace at which changes in land use are occurring in some parts of the world, and the large contribution of groundwater to the global water supply. In this study, groundwater flow models incorporating particle tracking...
P. B. McMahon, K.R. Burow, L. J. Kauffman, S. M. Eberts, J.K. Böhlke, J.J. Gurdak
Source and transport controls on the movement of nitrate to public supply wells in selected principal aquifers of the United States
In 2003–2005, systematic studies in four contrasting hydrogeologic settings were undertaken to improve understanding of source and transport controls on nitrate movement to public supply wells (PSW) in principal aquifers of the United States. Chemical, isotopic, and age tracer data show that agricultural fertilizers and urban septic leachate were the primary sources of large nitrate...
P. B. McMahon, J.K. Böhlke, L. J. Kauffman, K.L. Kipp, M.K. Landon, C.A. Crandall, K.R. Burow, C. J. Brown
Regional nitrate and pesticide trends in ground water in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California
Protection of ground water for present and future use requires monitoring and understanding of the mechanisms controlling long-term quality of ground water. In this study, spatial and temporal trends in concentrations of nitrate and pesticides in ground water in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California, were evaluated to determine the long-term effects of agricultural and urban...
K.R. Burow, James L. Shelton, N. M. Dubrovsky
Simulation of Multiscale Ground-Water Flow in Part of the Northeastern San Joaquin Valley, California
The transport and fate of agricultural chemicals in a variety of environmental settings is being evaluated as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water-Quality Assessment Program. One of the locations being evaluated is a 2,700-km2 (square kilometer) regional study area in the northeastern San Joaquin Valley surrounding the city of Modesto, an area dominated by irrigated...
Steven P. Phillips, Christopher T. Green, Karen R. Burow, Jennifer L. Shelton, Diane L. Rewis
Linking ground-water age and chemistry data along flow paths: Implications for trends and transformations of nitrate and pesticides
Tracer-based ground-water ages, along with the concentrations of pesticides, nitrogen species, and other redox-active constituents, were used to evaluate the trends and transformations of agricultural chemicals along flow paths in diverse hydrogeologic settings. A range of conditions affecting the transformation of nitrate and pesticides (e.g., thickness of unsaturated zone, redox...
A. J. Tesoriero, D. A. Saad, K.R. Burow, E. A. Frick, L.J. Puckett, J.E. Barbash
Temporal trends in concentrations of DBCP and nitrate in groundwater in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California, USA
Temporal monitoring of the pesticide 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) and nitrate and indicators of mean groundwater age were used to evaluate the transport and fate of agricultural chemicals in groundwater and to predict the long-term effects in the regional aquifer system in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California. Twenty monitoring wells were installed on a transect along an...
K.R. Burow, N. M. Dubrovsky, James L. Shelton
MODGRASS: Update of a ground-water flow model for the central part of the western San Joaquin Valley, California
No abstract available.
Charles F. Brush, Kenneth Belitz, Steven P. Phillips, Karen R. Burow, Donna L. Knifong
Science and Products
Filter Total Items: 38
Assessing the Vulnerability of Public-Supply Wells to Contamination: Central Valley Aquifer System near Modesto, California
This fact sheet highlights findings from the vulnerability study of a public-supply well in Modesto, California. The well selected for study pumps on average about 1,600 gallons per minute from the Central Valley aquifer system during peak summer demand. Water samples were collected at the public-supply well and at monitoring wells installed in the Modesto vicinity. Samples from the...
Martha L. Jagucki, Bryant C. Jurgens, Karen R. Burow, Sandra M. Eberts
Effects of Groundwater Development on Uranium: Central Valley, California, USA
Uranium (U) concentrations in groundwater in several parts of the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California, have exceeded federal and state drinking water standards during the last 20 years. The San Joaquin Valley is located within the Central Valley of California and is one of the most productive agricultural areas in the world. Increased irrigation and pumping associated with...
Bryant C. Jurgens, Miranda S. Fram, Kenneth Belitz, Karen R. Burow, Matthew K. Landon
Spatial and temporal trends in nitrate concentrations in the eastern San Joaquin Valley regional aquifer and implications for fertilizer management
Ground-water withdrawals in the San Joaquin Valley totaled 64 million m3 /day (19 million ac-ft) in 2000, supplying about 45% of agricultural irrigation demand and about 80% of municipal supply (Hutson et al., 2004). Most of the population and ground-water use are in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, where reliance on ground water is expected to increase as a result of rapid population...
Karen R. Burow, Christopher T. Green
Hydrogeology, Water Chemistry, and Factors Affecting the Transport of Contaminants in the Zone of Contribution of a Public-Supply Well in Modesto, Eastern San Joaquin Valley, California
Ground-water chemistry in the zone of contribution of a public-supply well in Modesto, California, was studied by the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program's topical team for Transport of Anthropogenic and Natural Contaminants (TANC) to supply wells. Twenty-three monitoring wells were installed in Modesto to record baseline hydraulic information and to...
Bryant C. Jurgens, Karen R. Burow, Barbara A. Dalgish, Jennifer L. Shelton
Simulations of ground-water flow and particle pathline analysis in the zone of contribution of a public-supply well in Modesto, eastern San Joaquin Valley, California
Shallow ground water in the eastern San Joaquin Valley is affected by high nitrate and uranium concentrations and frequent detections of pesticides and volatile organic compounds (VOC), as a result of ground-water development and intensive agricultural and urban land use. A single public-supply well was selected for intensive study to evaluate the dominant processes affecting the...
Karen R. Burow, Bryant C. Jurgens, Leon J. Kauffman, Steven P. Phillips, Barbara A. Dalgish, Jennifer L. Shelton
Simulated response of water quality in public supply wells to land use change
Understanding how changes in land use affect water quality of public supply wells (PSW) is important because of the strong influence of land use on water quality, the rapid pace at which changes in land use are occurring in some parts of the world, and the large contribution of groundwater to the global water supply. In this study, groundwater flow models incorporating particle tracking...
P. B. McMahon, K.R. Burow, L. J. Kauffman, S. M. Eberts, J.K. Böhlke, J.J. Gurdak
Source and transport controls on the movement of nitrate to public supply wells in selected principal aquifers of the United States
In 2003–2005, systematic studies in four contrasting hydrogeologic settings were undertaken to improve understanding of source and transport controls on nitrate movement to public supply wells (PSW) in principal aquifers of the United States. Chemical, isotopic, and age tracer data show that agricultural fertilizers and urban septic leachate were the primary sources of large nitrate...
P. B. McMahon, J.K. Böhlke, L. J. Kauffman, K.L. Kipp, M.K. Landon, C.A. Crandall, K.R. Burow, C. J. Brown
Regional nitrate and pesticide trends in ground water in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California
Protection of ground water for present and future use requires monitoring and understanding of the mechanisms controlling long-term quality of ground water. In this study, spatial and temporal trends in concentrations of nitrate and pesticides in ground water in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California, were evaluated to determine the long-term effects of agricultural and urban...
K.R. Burow, James L. Shelton, N. M. Dubrovsky
Simulation of Multiscale Ground-Water Flow in Part of the Northeastern San Joaquin Valley, California
The transport and fate of agricultural chemicals in a variety of environmental settings is being evaluated as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water-Quality Assessment Program. One of the locations being evaluated is a 2,700-km2 (square kilometer) regional study area in the northeastern San Joaquin Valley surrounding the city of Modesto, an area dominated by irrigated...
Steven P. Phillips, Christopher T. Green, Karen R. Burow, Jennifer L. Shelton, Diane L. Rewis
Linking ground-water age and chemistry data along flow paths: Implications for trends and transformations of nitrate and pesticides
Tracer-based ground-water ages, along with the concentrations of pesticides, nitrogen species, and other redox-active constituents, were used to evaluate the trends and transformations of agricultural chemicals along flow paths in diverse hydrogeologic settings. A range of conditions affecting the transformation of nitrate and pesticides (e.g., thickness of unsaturated zone, redox...
A. J. Tesoriero, D. A. Saad, K.R. Burow, E. A. Frick, L.J. Puckett, J.E. Barbash
Temporal trends in concentrations of DBCP and nitrate in groundwater in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California, USA
Temporal monitoring of the pesticide 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) and nitrate and indicators of mean groundwater age were used to evaluate the transport and fate of agricultural chemicals in groundwater and to predict the long-term effects in the regional aquifer system in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California. Twenty monitoring wells were installed on a transect along an...
K.R. Burow, N. M. Dubrovsky, James L. Shelton
MODGRASS: Update of a ground-water flow model for the central part of the western San Joaquin Valley, California
No abstract available.
Charles F. Brush, Kenneth Belitz, Steven P. Phillips, Karen R. Burow, Donna L. Knifong