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Structure, metamorphism, and plutonism in the south-central Klamath Mountains, California

In the south-central Klamath Mountains 50 miles of the the north-trending central metamorphic belt and adjacent parts of the eastern Paleozoic and western Paleozoic and Triassic belts have been mapped and studied in detail. Within the central metamorphic belt a sequence of three lithologically distinctive metamorphic units has been recognized (from bottom to top): (1) siliceous metasedimentary roc
Gregory A. Davis, M. J. Holdaway, Peter W. Lipman, W. D. Romey

Geologic map of the Topopah Spring SW quadrangle, Nevada

No abstract available.
Peter W. Lipman, E. J. McKay

Geologic map of the Topopah Spring NW quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada

No abstract available.
Robert L. Christiansen, Peter W. Lipman

Lava tree molds of the September 1961 eruption, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii

Well-developed lava tree molds were formed during the September 1961 eruption along the east rift zone of Kilauea Volcano. The upright molds were produced where fluid lava, flowing through dense tropical forest, became chilled against the larger trees and tree ferns and later drained away. Where the lava ponded temporarily in a structural valley, tree molds more than 14 feet high mark the high lev
James G. Moore, D.H. Richter

Fifth special report of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory of the Hawaiian Volcano Research Association and the U.S. Geological Survey: Abrasion hardness

After reviewing the work of sclerometry, this paper shows that yielding and relative softness are the mechanical basis of what should be called malacometry. The experiments have been made with diamond drills, ring cuts, end millers and grinding wheels.Auerbach's "limited scope of the Mohs list" is quantitatively confirmed. The wear of diamonds is examined.A program is carried out, for rotary or an
T. A. Jaggar

Fourth special report of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory of the U.S. Geological Survey and the Hawaiian Volcano Research Association: Steam blast volcanic eruptions: A study of Mount Pelée in Martinique as type volcano

The investigation is concerned with the author's expedition to Martinique and St. Vincent in 1902 and comparison of the experience of investigators and sufferers with that of others in so-called "explosive" eruptions. The Hawaiian mechanism is reviewed with special reference to rifts, underground water, intrusion furnace, wedge rupture, and lowering of magma. These features of structure are applie
T. A. Jaggar

Third special report of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory of Hawaii National Park and the Hawaiian Volcano Research Association: Ash formations of the island Hawaii

The purpose of the study was to determine the areal extent of the various volcanic ash formations, to describe them petrographically and to develop means of discriminating them. The ash formations, long known in a general way, had been only casually observed by geologists. Their interpretation and separation from other surficial materials has been much retarded by great differences in the degree o
Chester K. Wentworth

The Volcano letter: A weekly news leaflet of the Hawaiian Volcano Research Association

The Volcano Letter was an informal publication issued at irregular intervals by the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) during the years 1925 to 1955. Individual issues contain information on volcanic activity, volcano research, and volcano monitoring in Hawaii. Information on volcanic activity at other locations is also occasionally included.The Volcano Letter was published by HVO through multiple

Second report of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Hawaiian Volcano Research Association: On cyclical variations in eruption at Kilauea

This work treats chiefly of observed changes in the height of stand of molten lava in the crater of Kilauea. It also takes account of concurrent variations in the apparent energy of eruptive action at the surface of the magma column. With little doubt these conditions vary in a complex periodic way.To explain these periods in part an hypothesis is advanced which depends upon recurrent astronomical
Harry O. Wood

Report of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Hawaiian Volcano Research Association

The First Report of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory is a collection of nine papers. The first provides details of the founding of the Observatory and the second reviews Kīlauea volcanic activity between 1909 and 1911. The next two papers detail the work of the Observatory by Frank Perret and E.S. Shepherd, who both arrived at Kīlauea in the summer of 1911. The third paper focuses on Perret's obse
T. A. Jaggar
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