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2006-2011 Landsat Science Team

The 2006-2011 Landsat Science Team worked to recommend strategies for the effective use of archived data from Landsat sensors and investigate the requirements for future sensors to meet the needs of Landsat users, including the needs of policy makers at all levels of government.

Return to Landsat Science Team Overview


Meeting agendas and presentations are available on the Meetings page. 


The team was instrumental in the following major developments, which impacted Landsat data use and the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM or Landsat 8):

  1. Contributed to the opening of the Landsat archive, making Landsat data available to all users at no charge
  2. Provided proactive advocacy for restoration of thermal requirements on LDCM (Landsat 8)
  3. Recommended and encouraged the Landsat Global Archive Consolidation (LGAC)
  4. Advocated for future satellite missions
  5. Established a foundation for higher-level data products
  6. Developed methodologies for using large volumes of Landsat data for long-term and/or broad-area studies
  7. Published over 400 Landsat-related items
2006-2011 Landsat Science Team
2006-2011 Landsat Science Team

Richard Allen, University of Idaho: Operational Evapotranspiration Algorithms for LDCM

Martha Anderson, USDA Agricultural Research Service: Mapping Drought and Evapotranspiration at High Resolution using Landsat/GOES Thermal Imagery

Alan Belward, European Commission Joint Research Center: Natural Resources Management - Meeting Millennium Development Goals Geospatial information for planning, implementation and evaluation of Europe's Development-Aid Programmes

Robert Bindschadler, NASA Goddard: Advancing Ice Sheet Research with the Next Generation Landsat Sensor Ice Sheets and Landsat

Warren Cohen, USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station: Landsat and Vegetation Change: Towards 50 Years of Observation and Characterization

Feng Gao, Earth Resources Technology: Developing a Consistent Landsat Data Set from MSS, TM/ETM+ and International Sources for Land Cover Change Detection

Sam Goward, University of Maryland: The LDCM Long Term Acquisition Plan: Extending and Enhancing the Landsat 7 LTAP Approach

Dennis Helder, South Dakota State University: A Systematic Radiometric Calibration Approach for LDCM and the Landsat Archive

Eileen Helmer, USDA Forest Service International Institute of Tropical Forestry: Cloud-Free Landsat Image Mosaics for Monitoring Tropical Forest Ecosystems

Rama Nemani, NASA Ames Research Center: Developing Biophysical Products for Landsat

Lazaros Oreopoulos, University of Maryland -Baltimore County: Cloud Detection and Avoidance for the Landsat Data Continuity Mission

John Schott, Rochester Institute of Technology: The Impact of Land Processes on Fresh and Coastal Waters

Prasad Thenkabail, U.S. Geological Survey (formerly with the International Water Management Institute): Global Irrigated Area Mapping using Landsat 30-m for the Years 2000 and 1975

Eric Vermote, University of Maryland: A Surface Reflectance Standard Product for LDCM and Supporting Activities 

James Vogelmann, SAIC, USGS EROS: Monitoring Forest and Rangeland Change using Landsat Continuity and Alternative Sources of Satellite Data 

Curtis Woodcock, Boston University: Toward Operational Global Monitoring of Landcover Change

Michael Wulder, Canadian Forest Service: Large-Area Land Cover Mapping and Dynamics: Landsat Imagery to Information 

Randolph Wynne, Virginia Polytechnic Institute: Forestry Remote Sensing; The Need for Landsat 




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