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Landsat Science Team Meeting - January 10-12, 2017

Landsat Science Teams consist of USGS and NASA scientists and engineers, external scientists, engineers, and application specialists, representing industry and university research initiatives. The Science Teams are tasked with providing scientific and technical evaluations to the USGS and NASA to help ensure the continued success of the Landsat program. 

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Boston University

Boston, Massachusetts

January 10-12, 2017


Presentations from this meeting can be searched on the Landsat Science Team Meeting Presentations webpage. 


Meeting Objectives:

  1. Identify priorities for future Landsat measurements and technologies.
  2. Review status of Landsat 9 development.
  3. Review plans and status of USGS Landsat product initiatives – collections and analysis-ready data.
  4. Review Boston area remote sensing activities.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

  • Opening Remarks (Curtis Woodcock)
  • Introductions and Meeting Objectives (Tom Loveland, Jim Irons)
  • USGS and NASA HQ Perspective (Tim Newman, David Jarrett)
  • NASA LCLUC and MuSLI Activities (Garik Gutman)
    • Harmonized Landsat/Sentinel-2 Data Products (Jeff Masek)
  • USGS Landsat Science Team Re-Compete Plans (Tom Loveland)
    • Discussion of Landsat Science Team Impacts (Mike Wulder, Curtis Woodcock, David Roy)
  • MuSLI-LST Science Team Coordination (Jeff Masek, Garik Gutman, Tom Loveland)
  • Sentinel-2 Activities and Status (Benjamin Koetz)
  • Landsat and Sentinel-2 Integration (Patrick Griffiths)
  • Landsat 9 Development Status (Del Jenstrom, Jim Nelson)
  • Landsat Status Summary:
    • Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 Status, Landsat Archive and LGAC Status (Brian Sauer)
    • Landsat 8 TIRS Corrections Status, Landsat GCP Updates and Plans (Ron Morfitt)
  • Reflectance-Based Calibration Discussion (Dennis Helder)
  • University of Massachusetts Boston Remote Sensing Activities (Crystal Schaaf and colleagues)
    • Potential Long-Term Records of Surface Albedo at Fine Spatiotemporal Resolution from Landsat/Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectances and MODIS/VIIRS BRDFs (Zhan Li et al.)
    • Temporal Albedo Dynamics in Boreal Forest Fire Scars Using Higher Resolution Albedo Products from Landsat and Sentinel 2A (Angela Erb et al.)
    • Landsat, MODIS, VIIRS and PhenoCams to monitor the phenology of California oak/grass savanna and open grassland across spatial scales (Yan Liu et al.)
    • Augmenting Landsat Resources for Saltmarshes Ian Paynter (Peter Boucher et al.)


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

  • Updates on Future Landsat Mission Planning
    • USGS Requirements Analysis (Greg Snyder)   Screenshots
    • NASA Technology Investigation Update (Jeff Masek)
  • Updates from LST Future Missions Study Teams (10 minute summaries)
    • Landsat Continuity/Backward Compatibility
    • Temporal Frequency Improvements
    • Spatial Resolution/Geometric Improvements Summary
    • Radiometric Resolution and SNR Improvements
    • Best Spectral Bands
  • LST Future Missions Study Teams Working Sessions (breakouts)
  • Guest Speaker Farouk El-Baz, Boston University, Director, Center for Remote Sensing
  • Study Team Reports and Discussion of Next Steps
  • Boston University Remote Sensing Research Activities (Curtis Woodcock, Mark Friedl, and Colleagues)
    • Using three decades of Landsat data to characterize trends and interannual variation in boreal and temperate forest phenology (Eli Melaas, Damien Sulla-Menashe, and Mark Friedl)
    • Boreal Forest Greening and Browning Primarily Caused by Disturbance, not Climate change. (Damien Sulla-Menashe, Mark Friedl, Curtis Woodcock)
    • The changing scale of agriculture in South America (Jordan Graesser)
    • GFOI and SilvaCarbon capacity building and research efforts (Pontus Olofsson)
    • Obtaining unbiased area estimates for a MRV prototype: application in the Colombian Amazon (Paulo Arevalo)
    • Towards Improved Deforestation Monitoring by Fusing Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Time Series (Chris Holden and Curtis Woodcock)
    • Tiling Landsat Data for ABoVE (Damien Sulla-Menashe, Chris Holden, Curtis Woodcock, Mark Friedl)
    • Change agents classification based on all available Landsat data (Zhe Zhu and Zhiqiang Yang)
    • Near real-time monitoring of forest disturbance: algorithms and assessment framework (Xiaojing Tang, P. Olofsson, E. L. Bullock, S. Estel, C.E. Woodcock)
    • Post-Processing CCDC Results Using Classical Approaches to Structural Break Detection (Eric Bullock, C.H. Holden and C.E. Woodcock)
    • Monitoring the distribution and multi-temporal dynamics of Northeastern forests using all available Landsat observations (Valerie J. Pasquarella (now at U. Mass Amherst)
    • Global assessment of protected area effectiveness in the tropical forest ecosystem (Stephan Estel)


Thursday, January 12, 2017

  • Landsat Product Improvements and Collection Management
    • Collection 1 Production Status (Brian Sauer)
    • Landsat MSS and NoPCD Improvement Plans (Ron Morfitt)
    • Landsat 4-8 Surface Reflectance Status (John Dwyer)
    • U.S. Analysis Ready Data Specifications (Brian Sauer)
    • Planning for Global Analysis Ready Data (John Dwyer)
  • Landsat 9 Product Opportunities Discussion (Brian Sauer, others)
  • Landsat Advisory Group Update (Frank Avila)
  • AmericaView Update (Rick Lawrence)
  • Wrap up Discussion – Revisit Landsat Science Team Impacts
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