These cross sections are the fifth publication in a folio of maps of the Harrison 1° x 2° quadrangle, Missouri and Arkansas, prepared under the Conterminous United States Mineral Assessment Program (CUSMAP). Previously published maps in this folio relate to the geochemistry of the subsurface carbonate rocks (Erickson and others, 1989), the geophysics of the basement terranes (McCafferty and others, 1989), the sedimentary rocks and mineralization of the Caulfield district (Hayes and others, 1992), the mineral resource potential of the quadrangle (Pratt and others, 1993), and the bedrock geology of the quadrangle (Middendorf and others, 1994 and in press). A final set of maps showing locations of known Mississippi Valley-type deposits and occurrences relative to Late Cambrian shaly lithofacies and other shales in the Harrison and adjoining quadrangle is in preparation (Palmer and Hayes, in press).