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Map showing ground water conditions in the Fairbanks D-2 SE Quadrangle, Alaska

January 1, 1975

The primary controlling factors determining ground-water conditions in the Fairbanks D-2 SE quadrangle are (1) topographic position, (2) water-bearing characteristics of the rocks, and (3) distribution of permafrost. These interrelated factors generally limit the conditions in any particular area. 

Basic data from the geologic map of the Fairbanks D-2 SE quadrangle (Map I-942, Pewe and others, in press), the map showing distribution of permafrost in the Fairbanks D-2 SE quadrangle (Map MF-669A, Pewe and Bell, 1975a), and the map showing foundation conditions in the Fairbanks D-2 SE quadrangle (Map MF 669D, Pewe and Bell, 1975c) have been used in conjunction with well data to establish generalized potential ground-water conditions. 

Publication Year 1975
Title Map showing ground water conditions in the Fairbanks D-2 SE Quadrangle, Alaska
DOI 10.3133/mf669B
Authors Troy L. Pewe, John W. Bell
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Miscellaneous Field Studies Map
Series Number 669
Index ID mf669B
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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