All of the known mines, prospects, and occurrences of metallic (excluding gold, pegmatite, and rare-earth mineral commodities for the Greenville 1° x 2° quadrangle are tabulated in this report. The table lists, in consecutive order for each county (fig. 1), the map number of each item, which correlates and locates the item on the accompanying Greenville 1° x 2° quadrangle map. The known name of the feature; the 7.5' topographic map on the which the commodity site is located; the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) northing and easting grid coordinates from the appropriate 7.5' topographic map; the commodity; remarks; and references are also listed. Some locations are known, but many sites are not verified and their locations are only approximate. References are listed in References Cited and referred to by number to save space.