Histopathology - Plate 20 - Figures 58-60 PDF Format
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Histopathology - Plate 20 - Figures 58-60 PDF Format
- Figure 58: N. salmonis. Section of a fingerling steelhead posterior intestine showing extensive lymphocytic infiltration of N. salmonis (arrow)in the laminapropria. H&E stain. X160. (Courtesy of B. MacConnell). 5198w x 3525h (72 dpi). 72.194 in. x 48.958 in.
- Figure 59: N. salmonis. Parsitized lymphoid cells in lamina propria (arrow) of a fingerling steelhead. H&E stain. X1000. (Courtesy of B. MacConnell). 5271w x 3525h (72 dpi). 73.208 in. x 48.958 in.
- Figure 60: N. salmonis infected fingerling steelhead with perivascular cuffing of affected hepatic cells (arrow). H&E stain. X160. (Courtesy of B. MacConnell). 5187w x 3472h (72 dpi). 72.042 in. x 48.222 in.
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