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3D models derived from lidar point cloud data

Detailed Description

3D models derived from lidar point cloud data: 
Area of Colorado’s Berthoud Pass derived from UAS-acquired lidar data showing vegetation in orange and snow in gray (top left) and with vegetation removed to reveal the snow surface colorized based on elevation heights (top right). 

Area of the pre-restoration structure of Ackerson Meadow showing the vegetation (bottom left) and with the vegetation removed to highlight eroded sections (bottom right).

Lidar point clouds are a set of geographic data points in a three-dimensional coordinate system collected directly by lidar sensors. The point cloud data from UAS-mounted lidar sensor provides a source of highly accurate elevation data which can be used to generate 3D digital elevation models (DEMs), a generic term for digital terrain model (DTMs) and digital surface models (DSMs).

DTMs use elevation data to represent the bare ground terrain, i.e., does not include vegetation and man-made features, whereas DSMs use of elevation data not only maps natural terrain features but also includes vegetation (treetops) and man-made (top of buildings) features.


Public Domain.