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Colorado River, Grand Canyon, River Mile 61.4, Little Colorado River, Across Canyon View from River Right, 1890

Detailed Description

January 20, 1890: Colorado River, Grand Canyon, River Mile 61.4, Little Colorado River, Across Canyon View from River Right. From a ridge with a sweeping view, Stanton captured this image of the confluence of the Little Colorado (left center) and mainstem Colorado (lower left) rivers. At this point, Marble Canyon technically ends and Grand Canyon begins, although the latter term is often used to encompass the entire 270 miles of the river from Lee’s Ferry to the Grand Wash Cliffs. Snow occurs low on the cliffs extending down from Cape Solitude. The expedition boats are parked along the large, barren, gravel bar deposited by the Little Colorado River at its mouth. Scattered shrubs, mostly Mormon tea and grizzlybear pricklypear, are present on the slope below the camera station. Stake no. s1427b in the Southwest Repeat Photography Collection. Photo credit: Robert B. Stanton, 57-RS-373, courtesy of The National Archives.


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