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Julio Betancourt-Field Work

December 2002 (approx.)

Detailed Description

I spent many fun and productive field seasons with colleagues and students reconstructing the environmental history of the hyperarid Atacama Desert and Pacific slope of the Andes in northern Chile. Here is a photo from our 2002 field season, with me on the far right. We are standing in a wispy steppe grassland at ~13,000 ft in elevation with the volcanic peak in the background towering above 22,000 ft.


Public Domain.

I spent many fun and productive field seasons with colleagues and students reconstructing the environmental history of the hyperarid Atacama Desert and Pacific slope of the Andes in northern Chile. Here is a photo from our 2002 field season, with me on the far right. We are standing in a wispy steppe grassland at ~13,000 ft in elevation with the volcanic peak in the background towering above 22,000 ft.

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