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Exploring EarthExplorer - Webinar, September 2024

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The United States Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center maintains one of the largest civilian collection of images of the Earth’s land surface. At EROS, we study land change and produce land change data products used by researchers, resource managers, and policymakers across the nation and around the world. The EROS User Services team provides assistance and outreach to help users in the data community access and work with data distributed from EROS. As part of the outreach effort, the EROS User Services team provides a webinar series where we talk to staff at EROS to learn more about the data, tools, and services provided by the USGS EROS.

The "Exploring EarthExplorer” webinar gave an overview of the USGS EarthExplorer (EE) application. EE provides online search, browse display, metadata export, data download, and processing support for the USGS EROS center's data holdings. New functions within EE have recently been introduced to help visualize Landsat data and its band combinations. Topics covered during the webinar included how to register for an EROS Registration System (ERS) account and how to perform a basic search for Landsat and National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery in EE, as well as more advanced features like how to submit a standing request to be notified when new data are available and how to use the new Landsat Browse Overlay feature.




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