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H1 East Transect – 2010

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Detailed Description

Permanent Site: H1 East Transect; Depth: 5.2 Meters (Feet 17.0); Distance from river mouth: 2.4 Kilometers (1.5 Miles) east; Pre/Post Dam Removal: 1 year pre-dam removal; Lat/Long: 48.1479177,-123.53472865; Site Description: This is a shallow site and one of the farthest removed from the effects of the sediment plume outside of the control sites. Substrate is mainly gravel with some sand and cobble. Seaweed is dense, particularly Alaria marginata (0:54, 1:08 seconds), three-ribbed kelp Cymathere triplicata (0:22, 0:50 seconds) and the perennial seaweed Pterygophora californica (0:31 seconds). Bull kelp Nereocystis luetkeana (0:48 seconds) is present. Two invertebrate species are abundant; burrowing anemones (Halcampa sp.) and horse clams (Tresus capax). No invertebrates are seen on video due to the dense seaweed cover. 




Public Domain.

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