L1 West Transect – 2017
Detailed Description
Permanent Site: L1 West Transect; Depth: 10.9 Meters (35.7 Feet); Distance from river mouth: 2.3 Kilometers (1.4 Miles) west; Pre/Post Dam Removal: 6 years post-dam removal; Lat/Long: 48.13957527,-123.59427175; Site Description: This transect is medium depth. The first 20 meters contains scattered boulders (0:52, 1:12 seconds). Where there are no boulders, substrate is mainly fine sediment/sand/mud. Seven species of brown seaweed are present, mainly the acid kelp Desmarestia (1:29 seconds) but also bull kelp Nereocystis luetkeana (0:54, 1:07 seconds) and Costaria costata (1:00, 1:31 seconds). Invertebrates seen on video: staghorn bryozoan Heteropora pacifica (yellow clump on boulder at 0:38 seconds); two giant sea cucumbers Parastichopus californicus (0:13, 0:25 seconds); moon snail Euspira lewisii (0:36 seconds) and its egg case (1:53 seconds); fish-eating anemone Urticina piscivore (1:37 seconds). USGS diver Steve Rubin is seen collecting data at 0:18 seconds.
Public Domain.