The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently installed camera systems and wave buoys in Dorado and Isla Verde, Puerto Rico to assist scientists with monitoring and predicting coastal change. The cameras provide near-real time images that can be viewed online.
Peligros Costeros de Puerto Rico (AD)
Detailed Description
La isla de Puerto Rico está sujeta a numerosos peligros naturales, incluyendo huracanes y erosión costera. La información sobre cómo responden los entornos costeros de la isla a estos eventos es fundamental para reforzar la resiliencia costera. La Dra. Legna Torres-García, nacida en Puerto Rico, está liderando un esfuerzo para estudiar los peligros costeros y hacer que esta información sea más accesible para las comunidades de la isla. Esta información puede ayudar a los residentes del territorio a estar más preparados y resilientes a los peligros naturales.
Obtenga más información sobre la Investigación de Peligros Costeros de USGS en Puerto Rico.
Vea la versión no audiodescrita
“Drone shot of Hurricane Maria Aftermath in Puerto Rico.” Envato Elements.
“Seaside landscape during natural disaster hurricane.” Envato Elements.
“The Coral Reefs on The Sea Floor” by Danilo Riba. Pexels.
“Aerial Footage of People Swimming on the Sea” by Jess Loiterton. Pexels.
“Aerial Footage of Houses by the Beach” by Kindel Media. Pexels.
“Drone Footage of People on the Beach” by Photosomething. Pexels.
“Waves over Beach” by Magda Ehlers. Pexels.
“Aerial Footage of the Sea” by Los Muertos Crew. Pexels.
Public Domain.
Some footage was used with permission from Envato Elements and Pexels. Contact the producer for more information.
Puerto Rico Natural Hazards: Coastal | Peligros naturales de Puerto Rico: Costas
Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast Viewer

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently installed camera systems and wave buoys in Dorado and Isla Verde, Puerto Rico to assist scientists with monitoring and predicting coastal change. The cameras provide near-real time images that can be viewed online.
Los Cambios Costeros en Puerto Rico
Coastal Change Hazards Portal
Puerto Rico Natural Hazards: Coastal | Peligros naturales de Puerto Rico: Costas
Total Water Level and Coastal Change Forecast Viewer

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently installed camera systems and wave buoys in Dorado and Isla Verde, Puerto Rico to assist scientists with monitoring and predicting coastal change. The cameras provide near-real time images that can be viewed online.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recently installed camera systems and wave buoys in Dorado and Isla Verde, Puerto Rico to assist scientists with monitoring and predicting coastal change. The cameras provide near-real time images that can be viewed online.