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USGS Scenario Evaluator for Electrical Resistivity Survey Design Tool

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This video provides an overvew of the USGS Scenario Evaluator for Electrical Resistivity (SEER).

Today’s environmental site managers have many tools to choose from when conducting site characterization and remediation. Geophysical tools can provide noninvasive ways to see inside the earth, much like how medical imaging lets us see inside the human body. The USGS Scenario Evaluator for Electrical Resistivity (or "SEER") is a quick and simple tool practitioners can use to assess the likely outcome of using two-dimensional electrical resistivity imaging for site characterization and remediation monitoring. Electrical resistivity imaging is a widely used geophysical method for environmental site management studies. The method is sensitive to fluid conductivity, interconnected porosity, saturation, clay content, and metallic materials. 

Development of the tool was supported by the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the USGS:

Terry, N.C., Day-Lewis, F.D., Robinson, J.L., Slater, L.D., Halford, Keith, Binley, Andrew, Lane, J.W., and Werkema, Dale, 2017, Scenario Evaluator for Electrical Resistivity Survey Pre-modeling Tool: Groundwater,

Terry, N.C., Day-Lewis, F.D., Robinson, J.L., Slater, L.D., Halford, Keith, Binley, A., Lane, J.W. Jr., and Werkema, Dale, 2017, The Scenario Evaluator for Electrical Resistivity (SEER) Survey Design Tool v1.0: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 01 May 2017,




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