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Chemistry data from leachates of hydraulic fracturing proppants collected from southeastern New Mexico, 2018-2019

Proppants used during hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas wells are manufactured to maximize petroleum yield by controlling the size, shape, density, and strength of the proppant material. The most common types of proppants are mined silica sand and manufactured ceramics, some of which are further modified with organic resin coatings to improve performance. Much of the work on the environmental an

Depth to frozen soil measurements at APEX, 2008-2023

Depth to frozen soil measurements taken by a variety of collaborators at the Alaskan Peatland EXeriment (APEX) bog/permafrost plateau site. Data is from 2018 - 2023.

Investigating Detection and Roadside Bias in Surveys of Grassland Birds in the Northern Great Plains, ND 2015, MT 2017-2018

A biologist and field crew from Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center visited sites nine times throughout the breeding season (late May to mid-July) to record counts of grassland birds. Surveyors applied North American Breeding Bird Survey methodology to obtain counts at On-, Near-, and Off-road Stops, but unlike the North American Breeding Bird Survey, which features a single survey at each s

Conversion of CRP Grasslands to Cropland, Grazing Lands, or Hayland: Effects on Breeding Bird Abundances in the Northern Great Plains, 1996-2017, data release

The data set consists of bird abundance data collected in undisturbed grassland fields enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and former CRP fields that were converted to cropland, grazing land, or hayland in nine counties in four states (Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota) in the northern Great Plains. The study was initiated in 1990, but data were only included in thi

Density and Fledging Success Data from Conservation Reserve Program Fields in North Dakota and Minnesota, 1991-1993

Field crews from Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center from 1991-1993 in Stutsman County, North Dakota and Pope and Stevens Counties, Minnesota, gathered nest success and fledgling data from nests found within Conservation Reserve Program fields and Waterfowl Production Areas. This dataset includes nesting observations of bird species found within these two field types. The dataset includes ge

Uptake of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances by Fish, Mussel, and Passive Samplers in Mobile Laboratory Exposures using Groundwater from a Contamination Plume at a Historical Fire Training Area, Cape Cod, Massachusetts - Chemical and Biological Data from

This data release presents chemical and biological results from an investigation of the uptake of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from groundwater contaminated by fire training activities on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Exposure experiments were conducted from August 29 to September 21, 2018 using groundwater from a relatively uncontaminated reference site and a fire training area contamina

Pronghorn Migration and Resource Selection Near Wind Energy Facilities in Wyoming, 2010-2012 and 2018-2020

USGS scientists evaluated movement and resource selection during seasonal migrations by pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) that were tracked with GPS collars near wind-energy facilities in the Shirley Basin, Wyoming, USA, in 2010-2012 and 2018-2020. Data include values of environmental variables and proximity to wind turbines at used and available locations for analyses of pronghorn selection of ro

Prokaryotic Communities From Marine Biofilms Formed on Stainless Steel Plates in Coral Mesocosms - Raw and Processed Data

The files in this data release are those referenced in the journal article by Evans and others (2022) entitled "Ship Biofilms as Potential Reservoirs of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease." They contain an amplicon sequence variant (ASV) table and the raw 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene amplicon deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence files from 15 microbial communities (sample names: CnD16B,

Whooping crane migration habitat selection disturbance data and maps

These data and maps were developed to support an effort to understand how whooping cranes (Grus americana) select stopover habitat in the presence of human infrastructure. Location and associated data came from whooping cranes from the Aransas-Wood Buffalo Population, 2010–2016. We marked a sample of 57 whooping cranes with leg-mounted transmitters that acquired locations via the global positionin

Biological and chemical data from attenuated and pulsed exposures of fire chemical to fish

Survival endpoints for juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) in response to exposure to wildland firefighting chemicals. Exposures were either attenuated or pulsed. For attenuated exposures, chemical treatment was applied at the beginning of the exposure and control water was added for the duration of the assay so chemical concentration gradually de

Ungulate Migrations of the Western United States, Volume 2

This is the data archive for the publication Ungulate Migrations of the Western United States, Volume 2 (Kauffman et al. 2022) and includes the collection of GIS map files that are mapped and described in the report. These map files are meant to provide a common spatial representation of the mapped migrations. This data release provides the means for ungulate migrations to be mapped and planned fo

Methane flux model for wetlands of the Prairie Pothole Region of North America: Model input data and programming code

This data release presents input data for plot- and landscape-scale models of Prairie Pothole Region wetland methane emissions as a function of explanatory variables and remotely sensed predictors. Field data for the plot- and landscape-scale models span the years 2003-2016 and 2005-2016, respectively. The data release also includes R programming code to run the generalized additive model (GAM; pl
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