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Non-listed disease report to OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) for the 1st semester of 2019

As a member of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), and the reporting authority for the United States, the USGS National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) is responsible for reporting wildlife disease outbreaks that involve diseases which are not OIE-listed ( ). These outbreaks are to be reported on a semesterly basis via OIE's WAHIS-Wild rep

Diagnostic and field data from the Eastern Migratory Whooping Crane Population

Detailed data collected from the field and generated during diagnostic evaluation of whooping crane carcasses from the Eastern Migratory Population.

Maternal transfer of PCBs in Pacific sand lance in Puget Sound, Washington

Data included in this release are from Pacific sand lance and water, sediment and suspended particulate matter collected at two sites in Puget Sound, Washington, which were evaluated for PCB concentration. PCB congener data are stored in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Environmental Contaminant Data Management System (ECDMS), accessible through the Wildlife & Environmental Contaminants Mapper

Growth of cultured Picocystis strain ML in the presence of arsenic, and occurrence of arsenolipids in these Picocystis as well as biota and sediment from Mono Lake, California

Mono Lake is a hypersaline soda lake rich in dissolved inorganic arsenic with its primary production currently dominated by Picocystis str. ML. We set out to determine if this picoplankter could metabolize inorganic arsenic, and in doing so form unusual arsenolipids (e.g., methylated arsinoyl ribosides) as reported in other saline ecosystems and by halophilic algae. We cultivated Picocystis str. M

Survival and growth of juvenile freshwater mussels in a flow-through auto-feeding system

Survival and growth of four species of juvenile mussels in a pulsed flow-through auto-feeding beaker system.

Consumption rates and total mercury concentration of food items and consumers collected at six sites on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, USA, 2007-2009

Consumption rates and total mercury concentration of food items and consumers collected at six sites on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Sites ranged from 0-367 river kilometers downstream of Lees Ferry (AZ, USA). Samples were analyzed for total Hg using cold vapor atomic fluorescence (CVAF, Tekran Model 2600 CVAF spectrometer) following EPA Method 7474. Consumption rate samples were collec

Data for the assessment of the containment pond at Canyon Mine, Arizona, 2019

These data are comprised of measurements of elements (e.g., uranium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, etc.), major anions (chloride, nitrite+nitrate as nitrogen, sulfate, etc.), dissolved organic carbon, and general water quality characteristics in Canyon Mine containment pond water, sediment, vegetaiton and invertebrate samples collected in calendar year 2019.

Chemical and biological data from acute and chronic exposure to sodium nitrate and sodium sulfate for several freshwater organisms in water-only bioassays

The responses (survival, growth, and/or reproduction) of test organisms in six concentrations of toxicants in several test waters with different water quality characteristics. In addition to the individual biological data, chemical, and water quality measurements from each toxicity test are also reported. Test organisms include unionid mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea, Villosa iris), a midge (Chi

USGS Dam Removal Science Database v4.0

This database is the result of an extensive literature search aimed at identifying documents relevant to the emerging field of dam removal science. In total the database contains 214 citations that contain empirical monitoring information associated with 181 different dam removals across the United States and abroad. Data includes publications through 2016 and supplemented with the U.S. Army Corps

Data on serology results for green turtles with and without fibropapillomatosis from Hawaii and Florida

Fibropapillomatosis (FP) is a tumor disease associated with a herpesvirus (Chelonid herpesvirus 5-ChHV5) that affects mainly green turtles globally. Understanding the epidemiology of FP has been hampered by lack of robust serological assays to monitor exposure to ChHV5. This is due in part to inability to efficiently culture the virus in vitro for neutralization assays. Here, we expressed two glyc

Pesticides and Pharmaceutical Exposure Data for Select Protected Streams of the US National Park Service Southeast Region 2015-2017

This dataset contains pesticide and pharmaceutical results (including maximum and median summaries) collected in the Southeast Region of the United States, 2015-17. Water-quality and bed-sediment results are reported. Samples were analyzed at the National Water Quality Laboratory, Denver, Colorado and the Organic Chemistry Research Laboratory, Sacramento, California. Method and site information is
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