The National Map Corps April 2023 Newsletter - Vol. 9 | Issue 2
April is Citizen Science Month
If you’re new to The National Map Corps, then you might not know that you’re now considered a citizen scientist or that the month of April is officially Citizen Science month!
Volunteer Bio: Spirit_of_Fundy
This newly minted TNMCorps volunteer, wanting a geographically based username, soon found the proper inspiration in memories of Downeast Maine and Maritime Canada!
Volunteer Bio: williams101748
Congratulations to TNMCorps volunteer williams101748, who recently became one of the newest members of the Theodolite Assemblage with over 2000 points submitted!
Checking Multiple Imagery Sources
While editing, you may default to using one of the background imagery layers more than the others. Each may have different benefits, as well as limitations, depending on the situation and location. This is why it is often a good idea to check multiple layers while researching a point location.
DevOpp's Geography Quiz April 2023
Awhile back, TNMCorps volunteer DevOpp reached out to pitch the idea of a geography quiz for our newsletter. While not specifically structures-related, we agreed that it would be a fun way for the TNMCorps community to test their general knowledge of US geography! We hope you enjoy this slight diversion from our usual content!
Mapping Challenges Updates April 2023
We hope you’ve been enjoying your time poking around the Northwest, because we’ll be sticking around there for a while! We’ve completed two challenges in Washington and Oregon since we published our January newsletter – fire stations and schools with no edit history. Our current challenge is focused on ambulance points with no edit history.