GLSC Participates in Lake Ontario Data Synthesis Workshop with Partners
Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative Data Integration for the 2018 Season in Lake Ontario
Mary Anne Evans (GLSC, Ann Arbor, Michigan), Meredith Nevers (GLSC, Chesterton, Indiana), and Brian Lantry, Brian Weidel, and Brian O’Malley (GLSC, Oswego, New York) attended the 2018 Great Lakes Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative (CSMI) Data Synthesis Workshop in Buffalo, New York, June 19-20, 2019. The workshop brought together researchers and policy makers from federal, state, and provincial agencies and universities to share information collected during the 2018 Lake Ontario year of CSMI. The goal of the workshop was to coordinate efforts for reporting and collaborating on data integration. Each year, under the CSMI program, one of the five Great Lakes is intensively sampled by lake partners—an effort led by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Evans and Nevers shared information about their ongoing Great Lakes basin-wide assessment of Cladophora algae growth and how data collected can be shared to assist with modeling goals for Lake Ontario. Lantry, Weidel, and O’Malley provided updates on a Mysis vertical migration project, a lake-wide larval coregonine survey, and other information derived from the annual prey fish and lake trout surveys on the lake. The information provided will be important for lake managers over the coming five years.
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