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LA Times story about Big Sur landslide features quotes, imagery from USGS

USGS geologists Jon Warrick and Kevin Schmidt are quoted in a November 9, 2017 Los Angeles Times story.

USGS geologists Jon Warrick (Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center) and Kevin Schmidt (Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center) are quoted in a November 9, 2017 Los Angeles Times story titled “Highway 1 was buried under a massive landslide. Months later, engineers battle Mother Nature to fix it.” The story takes readers to Mud Creek on California’s Big Sur coast, where millions of tons of rock and dirt slid toward the ocean last May. It details some of the steps that the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is taking to stabilize the slide and rebuild the road. Among the illustrations are 3D images of the landslide constructed by Warrick. He and Schmidt have been studying slides along the Big Sur coast and sharing their findings with Caltrans.

3D point cloud images looking at the Mud Creek slide, first image from airplane photo and second from drone.
Images alternate between two Mud Creek 3D images, one derived from a photocollected by airplane on June 13, 2017, and one derived from video footagecollected by drone on October 12, 2017.

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