In Spring Term, 2018, the USGS lunchtime seminar is a joint seminar series with the Portland State University School of the Environment (SOE) and Oregon State University. Seminars are on Tuesdays from noon to 1:00 pm, April 3 through June 5, 2018.
The Spring 2018 seminars are held on PSU's campus at: Fifth Avenue Cinema building, 510 SW Hall St.
If you would like to be notified of upcoming seminars via email, then please sign up for the online mailing list at: The online mailing list also will be used to notify its members of seminar cancellations or other schedule changes.
- Apr. 3 - "Alpine Hydrogeology: The Critical Role of Groundwater in Sourcing the Headwaters of the World," Masaki Hayashi, 2018 NGWA Darcy Lecturer (University Calgary)
- Apr. 10 - "Surface Geophysical Methods for the Characterization of Preferential Flow processes and Water Exchanges Along the River Corridor," Marty Briggs (USGS)
- Apr. 17 - "Signals of stormwater management across scales," Anne Jefferson (Kent State)
- Apr. 24 - "Using hydraulic modeling to evaluate connectivity enhancement under alternative restoration scenarios in the Atchafalaya River Basin," Ann Hayden (Southern Illinois University - Carbondale)
- May 1 - "Earthquakes and water (and why the Lusi eruption was not caused by an earthquake)," Michael Manga (University of California - Berkeley)
- May 8 - "Streamflow in Our Warming World: Hydrologic Droughts Ahead? Or Just a Lot of Hot Air?" Chris Milly (USGS/NOAA)
- May 15 - "The nexus between monitoring, engineering and policy for stormwater management in Portland," Adrienne Aiona, (Portland Bureau of Environmental Services)
- May 22 - "Snowpack contribution to flow in the Willamette River over the last 7 years," Renee Brooks (US EPA)
- May 29 - "Opportunities and Challenges for China and US Collaboration in Hydrogeological Research and Education. A Success Story: the Art of the Push-and-Pull Aquifer Test," Hongbin Zhan (Texas A&M University)
- Jun. 5 - "Learning to See in Thermal Infrared: Sensing Snow and Forest Temperatures from Point to Aircraft to Satellite Scales," Jessica Lundquist (University of Washington)
Note: The following schedule is subject to change. Please check this page prior to attending a seminar.
*Disclaimer -- The research, opinions, and materials expressed by presenters are solely of the individuals and are not reflective of the Oregon Water Science Center, the U.S. Geological Survey, or the U.S. Department of the Interior.
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