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October 7, 2024

To learn more about USGS science related to Hurricane Milton:

Tampa, FL — As Hurricane Milton approaches Florida, scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey are deploying wave sensors at eight locations today in the Sunshine State between Naples and Crystal River to measure the coastal waves caused by the storm. 

USGS Field crews will also install one rapid-deployment gauge on the Sunshine Skyway bridge in St. Petersburg, Florida. This specialized piece of equipment is a fully-functional streamgage designed to be deployed quickly and temporarily to measure and transmit real-time water level data in emergency situations. This data can be used by decision makers and emergency managers to monitor water levels as they work to save lives and property. 

Potential impacts from Milton include life-threatening storm surge and damaging winds for portions of the Florida Peninsula, according to the National Hurricane Center.

The USGS wave sensors will measure water levels and give insight on factors such as wave height and frequency as well as storm tide, which is storm surge combined with local tides. Storm tides are among the most dangerous natural hazards unleashed by hurricanes. They can destroy homes and businesses; wipe out roads, bridges, water and sewer systems; and profoundly alter coastal landscapes. 

The sensors will be in place from before Milton arrives until the storm departs, and at that time, scientists will retrieve the instruments and analyze collected data. The resulting information can be used to fine-tune future storm surge and coastal change forecasts. The sensor data can help identify areas hit the hardest by storm surge and guide emergency responders and local officials with recovery efforts. Insight can also help inform flood insurance maps and building codes to improve structural designs for public safety.

The wave sensors are housed in vented aluminum pipes a few inches wide and about a foot long. They are being installed on bridges, piers, and other structures that have a good chance of surviving the storm. 

Information on the sensor deployment and rapid deployment gauge will be available on the USGS Flood Event Viewer.

As the USGS continues to take all appropriate preparedness actions in response to Milton, those ­­­in the storm’s projected path can visit or for tips on creating emergency plans and putting together an emergency supply kit.

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