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Photo and Video Chronology - Kīlauea - May 6, 2005

East Pond and MLK Vents to Kamoamoa

This is a photo of MLK vent snuggled close to southwest base of Pu`u `O`o.
MLK vent snuggled close to southwest base of Pu`u `O`o. Only a jagged remnant remains of the spatter cone (see image for April 8, 2005).
This is a photo of a seething pond of lava within MLK vent.
Seething pond of lava within MLK vent. Spatter cone collapsed into this pond. Note spatter on surface in foreground.


This is a photo of a bubbling lava pond in MLK vent.
Looking down at bubbling lava pond in MLK vent.
This is a photo of a bubbling lava pond in MLK vent.
Closer view of the lava pond. The floating crust on the pond is almost constantly being broken up and reformed by the motion of the lava.


This is a photo of a lava pond in East Pond Vent in Pu`u `O`o's crater.
Lava pond in East Pond Vent in Pu`u `O`o's crater.
This is a photo of Kiln hornito on upper PKK tube system.
Aerial view into Kiln hornito on upper PKK tube system, showing stream of lava flowing through the tube. Yellow-orange ring is spatter altered by escaping gas.


This is a photo of the start of a breakout in east branch of PKK flow near top of Pulama pali.
Start of breakout in east branch of PKK flow near top of Pulama pali. Breakout began only shortly before this image was taken.
This is a photo of lava solidified to `a`a (dark) along margins of channels, below steepest pitch of Pulama pali.
Near downstream end of breakout in left image, below steepest pitch of Pulama pali. Note that the lava has solidified to `a`a (dark) along margins of channels.


This is a photo of Kamoamoa lava delta.
Kamoamoa lava delta, largest of the three currently active. Most of surface of delta is coated with moving or only recently stagnated lava.
This is a photo of front of Kamoamoa delta.
Front of Kamoamoa delta, with lava streams pouring off it into the water and onto a new black sand beach.



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