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Media Advisory: Speed Date with a Drought Scientist

March 17, 2014

How does drought affect California's water supply? Does it impact the surface water only, or what about groundwater? How does it impact water quality? What about streamflow? How is the water shortage affecting ecosystems? How is the drought related to climate change?

MENLO PARK, Calif. — How does drought affect California's water supply? Does it impact the surface water only, or what about groundwater? How does it impact water quality? What about streamflow? How is the water shortage affecting ecosystems? How is the drought related to climate change? 

Join us in Menlo Park on Thursday, where U.S. Geological Survey scientists will be available to answer questions about California's drought, talk about changes observed, and what is expected for the future in the context of climate change. Learn about USGS resources for reporters and journalists. A new water-use report for the years 2005-2010, a new website, and new analyses of trends in water use, will all be available.

The format of this press event will be similar to "speed dating" where each scientist will be at a table, available for reporters to make the rounds and speak to each person individually about their science research.

Come with your questions, have a conversation with a scientist, record interviews on the spot, and get a uniquely scientific glimpse into a complex issue that directly affects all who live in California and the rest of the country.


On the record press event for reporters to informally chat with USGS drought specialists.



USGS research scientists with expertise in these areas:

  • Modeling drought effects through the watershed, Lisa Lucas.
  • Drought effects on SF Bay ecosystems,Robin Stewart.
  • Drought effects on SF Bay ecology,Janet Thompson.
  • Drought in the context of climate changeMichael Dettinger.
  • Drought effects on groundwater and subsidenceClaudia Faunt.
  • Drought effects on groundwaterSteven Phillips.
  • Drought effects on rivers and streamflowCharles Berenbrock.
  • Drought effects on fish and water flow/circulation in the DeltaJon Burau.
  • Drought effects on water qualityJacob Fleck.
  • Drought effects on watersheds and reservoirsScott Wright. 



Thursday, March 20, 2014, 10:00 a.m. PDT



U.S. Geological Survey
Bldg. 3 Auditorium
345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, Calif.

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