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Media Advisory: USGS Measuring High Flows Around Denver

Crews from the U.S. Geological Survey are monitoring high streamflows due to sustained rain in various locations around Denver today.

Crews from the U.S. Geological Survey are monitoring high streamflows due to sustained rain in various locations around Denver today. 

Media are invited to film/interview USGS crews today between 2 and 2:30 p.m. MST as they take measurements at: 

South Platte River -  64th Ave. and York Street near Metro Wastewater.

USGS scientists are collecting critical streamflow data that are vital for protection of life, property and the environment. These data are used by the National Weather Service to develop flood forecasts; the Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to manage flood control; and local and state emergency management in their flood response activities. More information is available on the USGS Colorado Water Science Center website.

There are 300 USGS-operated streamgages in Colorado that measure water levels, streamflow and rainfall. Current streamflow conditions are available online.

More detailed information on flooding in Colorado is available on the WaterWatch flood page.

For more than 125 years, the USGS has monitored flow in selected streams and rivers across the U.S. The information is routinely used for water supply and management, monitoring floods and droughts, bridge and road design, determination of flood risk and for many recreational activities.

Access current flood and high flow conditions across the country by visiting the USGS WaterWatch website. Receive instant, customized updates about water conditions in your area via text message or email by signing up for USGS WaterAlert

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