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Temporary NHD and WBD Maintenance Shutdown and Hydrography Tools Updates

April 14, 2021

NHD and WBD maintenance operations will be shutdown from close of business April 23rd to May 9th. 

Additionally, USGS will be releasing updated versions of all Hydrography tools during this time. Check-outs beginning May 10 will use the ArcGIS 10.7.1 compatible tools.

USGS is upgrading our technical operations data center to new hardware, as well as moving several servers and operational systems between Denver, CO and Rolla, MO. Due to this, all WBD and NHD jobs must be checked back into the national database.

  • WBD jobs must have been submitted by 5 pm MST April 5th to allow time for NQC review. 
  • NHD jobs must be submitted back to USGS by close of business April 23rd.

During this shutdown, other HMP functions are still available. For example, state contacts, USGS point of contact, and state MOUs information will be available using the map function. Reporting will also be functioning, so users can generate job histories.  

Also during this shutdown, USGS will be releasing updated versions of all hydrography tools that work with ArcGIS 10.7.1. Partners are encouraged to use this time to update their systems. Data check-outs beginning May 10 will use the 10.7.1 tools. 


List of Important Dates


  • April 5th All WBD jobs needed to be submitted for NQC to allow time for review. 
  • April 14th NHD reminder: please check in all your jobs as soon as possible!
  • April 23rd Close of Business Final date for WBD and NHD job check-ins. 
  • April 23rd - May 9th Check-outs and check-ins are blocked starting at close of business.
  • April 26th Updated tools are available. Update your tools and ArcGIS to the 10.7.1 version prior to checking out data.
  • May 10th Business as usual! 

► Note the above dates are approximate and may be adjusted according to circumstances. Please watch for announcements via the HMP login banner and the MyUSGS Hydrographic Data Community (HDC) blogs.

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