The USGS Arizona Water Science Center has published three reports documenting the findings of a comprehensive groundwater study conducted from 2015 through 2018 on the Hualapai Indian Reservation and adjacent areas from 2015 through 2018 in cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation.
These three publications are the culmination of a 3-phased project conducted over an approximately 5 year period. The project used traditional approaches for characterizing groundwater resources such as well and spring inventories, as well as state-of-the-art geophysical tools such as airborne eletromagnetic surveys and gravity surveys. The information gained from the groundwater characterization was used to develop a numerical groundwater flow model that can be used as a tool to assess current and future groundwater withdrawals.
The first report describes the hydrologic framework and characterization of the Truxton aquifer on the Hualapai Indian Reservation (Bills and Macy, 2016). The second report describes the hydrogeologic characterization of the Hualapi Plateau part of the reservation (Mason, Macy, and other, 2020). The third report includes five chapters. Chapter A (Mason, Bills, and Macy, 2020) is a summary chapter of a multichapter volume that includes a brief description of the study area and descriptions of the hydrogeologic framework, numerical groundwater-flow model, and estimates of simulated changes to groundwater levels of the Truxton aquifer. Chapter B (Mason, Bills, and Macy, 2020) describes the geology and hydrology of the Truxton basin and Hualapai Plateau. Chapter C (Kennedy, 2020) describes the results of a gravity geophysical survey of the Truxton basin. Chapter D (Ball, 2020) describes the findings of an airborne electromagnetic survey of the Truxton aquifer and Hualapai Plateau. Chapter E (Knight, 2020) describes the results of a transient groundwater model created for the entire Truxton aquifer both on and off the reservation. The groundwater-flow model is used to estimate projected groundwater levels based on future groundwater withdrawal scenarios.
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