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3D Hydrography Program 3DHP_all: DrainageArea

Drainagearea is a polygon spatial table that is an aggregation of catchments.

drainagearea (spatial table)- Drainagearea is a polygon spatial table that is an aggregation of catchments.

Name (Alias) Definition Type Allow Nulls Length Domain Default Values Comments
id3dhp Unique identifier for 3DHP features.  Text Yes 7 - -

This is a base-36 7- digit alphanumeric unique identifier that is not

persistent. Applied to drainagearea features in this case.

featuredate Date the feature was loaded into the 3DHP core database. DateTime Yes - - - -
huequivalent Hydrologic unit code per Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) coding system. Text Yes 200 - - This is a <>*. This attribute will not be populated initially.
areasqkm Area of feature in square kilometers based on regional spatial reference systems. Double Yes - - -

Computed in projections based on specific locations, please see the Spatial

Reference System Section of this specification for more information.

*More information about geoconnex can be found here:

Please note, the drainagearea spatial table in the 3DHP_all data service has not been populated in the 3DHP_all 2023.

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