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National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Data Dictionary Metadata Tables

The data dictionary for the metadata tables in the National Hydrography Dataset.

FeatureToMetadata : Table that links the features / objects to one or more processes and their sources. This table gives the model the capability of lineage or the capability of tracking the history of changes for a given feature.

Name Definition Type Allow Nulls Length Domain Default Value Comments
MetaProcessID Unique ID for a metadata process description. Text False 40     Features are associated to specific process descriptions. The Meta_ProcessID links to the NHDMetadata table.
OBJECTID Internal feature or event number. OBJECTID False        
TNMID TNMID (short for The National Map Identification) is a unique 40-character field that identifies each element in the database exclusively. Text True 40    

NHDMetadata : This table contains FGDC compliant data quality information.

Name Definition Type Allow Nulls Length Domain Default Value Comments
Address Address line for the address. Text True 100      
AddressType Information provided by the address. Text True 40      
AttributeAccuracyReport Explanation of entities and assignments of values in dataset. Text True 1800      
City City of the address. Text True 40      
CompletenessReport Information about omissions, criteria, definitions used to derive dataset. Text True 2400      
ContactEmailAddress E-mail address to reach contact organization or individual. Text True 40      
ContactInstructions Supplemental instructions to contact Organization or individual. Text True 120      
ContactOrganization Name or organization to which type of contact applies. Text True 100      
ContactVoiceTelephone Telephone number to reach Organization or individual. Text True 40      
DataSetCredit Recognition of those who contributed to the dataset. Text True 4000      
HorizPositionalAccuracyReport Horizontal coordinate measurements and description of tests used. Text True 3100      
LogicalConsistencyReport Explanation of fidelity of relationships in dataset and tests used. Text True 1000      
MetadataDate Date the metadata was last created or updated. Date True 8      
MetadataStandardName Name of the metadata standard used to document the dataset. Text True 100      
MetadataStandardVersion Identification of the version of the metadata standard used to document the dataset. Text True 40      
Meta_ProcessID 40-char GUID value that uniquely identifies a metadata process description in The National Map. Text False 40     Features are associated to specific process descriptions. The Meta_ProcessID links to the NHDMetadata table.
OBJECTID Internal feature or event number. OBJECTID False        
PostalCode ZIP or other postal code of the address. Text True 20      
ProcessDate Date when the event was completed. Date False 8      
ProcessDescription Explanation of the event and related parameters or tolerances. Text False 4000      
StateOrProvince State or province of the address. Text True 30      
VertPositionalAccuracyReport Vertical coordinate measurements and description of tests used. Text True 3100  

NHDSourceCitation : This table links to process description information found in the NHDMetadata table. Not all process descriptions have a source citation. Content is based on FGDC Metadata requirements.

Name Definition Type Allow Nulls Length Domain Default Value Comments
BeginningDate First year of the event (if Range_of_Dates applies). Date True       <Null> if CalendarDate is used.
CalendarDate The year (if Single Date applies). Date True 8     <Null> if BeginningDate and EndingDate are used.
EndingDate Last year for the event (if Range_of_Dates applies). Date True       <Null> if CalendarDate is used.
Meta_ProcessID 40-char GUID value that uniquely identifies a metadata process description in The National Map. Text False 40     Features are associated to specific process descriptions. The Meta_ProcessID links to the NHDMetadata table.
OBJECTID Internal feature or event number. OBJECTID False        
Originator Name of an organization or individual that developed the dataset. Text True 400      
PublicationDate Date the dataset is published or made available for release. Date True 8      
SourceCitationAbbreviation Short form alias for source citation. Text True 255      
SourceContribution Brief statement identifying information contributed by source to dataset. Text True 750      
SourceCurrentnessReference The basis on which the source time period of content information of the source data set is determined. Text True 255      
Source_DatasetID Unique permanent ID value which uniquely identifiesa source dataset used in The National Map. Text False 40      
SourceScaleDenominator Denomination of representative fraction on a map. Long Integer True        
Title Name by which the dataset is known. Text True 255      
TypeOfSourceMedia The medium of the source dataset, i.e. paper,CD-ROM, online, or other sources. Text True 255