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WESM Data Dictionary: Product Status Codes: Categories

In addition to general attributes, the Work Unit Extent Spatial Metadata (WESM) includes information on how data in a given work unit relates to 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) elevation product specifications. This information is shown in the product status codes. Product status codes include codes for categories and reasons. Categories are discussed here. 

WESM Product Status Codes: Categories

This information is for the following WESM attributes:

Click to jump to the details of the attributes.


The product status codes in the WESM indicate if and how work units and projects meet or do not meet associated product specifications. The spatial metadata in the WESM only applies to four products: the Lidar Point Cloud (LPC), the source Digital Elevation Model (source DEM), the one-meter DEM (1-m), and the seamless products (Seamless). The product status codes include both a category indicating if a work unit meets or does not meet specification and a reason code which gives a brief explanation of why the category was assigned to the work unit.

Category Attribute Values

In general, seven category attribute values describe if the work unit meets or does not meet each of the four product specifications. Not all of the seven categories are available to every product—see the product details below for which categories apply to which products. The category attribute values are:

Expected to meet

  • Definition: Project/WU was expected to meet 3DEP specifications for the product type when initiated. LPC and source DEM products have been published while awaiting final project-level absolute vertical accuracy assessment.
  • Valid for products: LPC, source DEM

Pending publication

  • Definition: Project/WU 1-m and seamless products are pending publication awaiting final project-level absolute vertical accuracy assessment. LPC and source DEM products have been published as Expected to meet.
  • Valid for products: 1-m, seamless
  • Limitations: Only used when LPC and source DEM are categorized as “Expected to meet”.

Under review

  • Definition: Project/WU will require more research to confirm the appropriate category/reason code to assign for the product type. LPC and source DEM products have been published while awaiting final project-level absolute vertical accuracy assessment.
  • Valid for products: LPC, source DEM, 1-m, and seamless


  • Definition: Project/WU meets 3DEP specification(s) for the product type. 
  • Valid for products: LPC, source DEM, 1-m, and seamless

Meets with variance

  • Definition: Project/WU meets 3DEP specification(s) with a variance for the product type. Meets with variance categorization reasons take precedence over Meets reasons.  
  • Valid for products: LPC, source DEM, 1-m, and seamless

Does not meet

  • Definition: Project/WU does NOT meet 3DEP specification(s) for the product type. Does not meet categorization reasons take precedence over Meets with variance categorization reasons. 
  • Valid for products: LPC, source DEM, 1-m, and seamless

Not applicable

  • Definition: Category does not apply to product type. Used when a collection method, such as IfSAR, does not have a corresponding specification in place at the time of acquisition. 
  • Valid for products: LPC
  • Limitations: Only used for the LPC.
Table: Valid applications of categories by products. An "X" indicates that a category can be used for a given product.



Source DEM

1-m DEM


Expected to meet





Pending publication





Under review










Meets with variance





Does not meet





Not applicable





WESM Product Code Category Attributes


  • Description: Lidar point cloud category code.
  • Definition: Used to store the category code for the LPC.
  • Type: Text
  • Length: 50 characters
  • Valid values:
    • Expected to meet
    • Under review
    • Meets
    • Meets with variance
    • Does not meet
    • Not applicable


  • Description: Source DEM category code.
  • Definition: Category code for the source DEM.
  • Type: Text
  • Length: 50 characters
  • Valid values:
    • Expected to meet
    • Under review
    • Meets
    • Meets with variance
    • Does not meet


  • Description: One-meter layer category code.
  • Definition: Used to store the category code for the 1-m DEM.
  • Type: Text
  • Length: 50 characters
  • Valid values:
    • Pending publication
    • Under review
    • Meets
    • Meets with variance
    • Does not meet


  • Description: Seamless layers category code.
  • Definition: Used to store the category code for the seamless datasets.
  • Type: Text
  • Length: 50 characters
  • Valid values:
    • Pending publication
    • Under review
    • Meets
    • Meets with variance
    • Does not meet
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