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September 2, 2024

What did the Yellowstone landscape look like after one of its large caldera-forming eruptions? Clues from crystals suggest it might have resembled Alaska after an eruption there in 1912.

Yellowstone Caldera Chronicles is a weekly column written by scientists and collaborators of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. This week's contribution is led by Kenneth Befus, professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin.

When Yellowstone erupts, crystals (mineral grains) that grew below ground in the magma chamber are brought to the surface. Those crystals have been used for the past century to better understand how magmas form and then erupt at Yellowstone. Imperfections in those crystals may also be used to understand volcanic processes that happen at the surface. The faces of volcanic crystals are sometimes marked by almost-microscopic holes that penetrate into the crystal interior. These holes are called embayments, and they look a little like a map of a bay along a coastline. Although some embayments may be empty holes, they are more commonly filled with glass produced by rapidly cooling magma. 

Photomicrograph showing a quartz-hosted embayment from the Mesa Falls Tuff, accompanied by a map showing the location of the tuff in eastern Idaho.
(A) Photomicrograph of a quartz-hosted embayment from the Mesa Falls Tuff. “MI” indicates a glassy inclusion of melt within the crystal. (B) Thickness (in centimeters) and extent of the Mesa Falls ash flow deposit (pink areas) and its source, Henrys Fork Caldera (dashed line).  Figure by Kenneth Befus, University of Texas at Austin.

Glass-filled embayments have been used to estimate how rapidly magma rises to the surface during an eruption. As magma rises, the host crystal partially shields melt held in the embayment from creating bubbles. In this way, volatiles, like dissolved water and carbon dioxide, have concentrations that are elevated in the embayment but that decrease towards the embayment mouth at the outer edge of the crystal. When the crystal reaches the surface in an eruption, the melt in the embayment quenches to glass, and that preserves the volatiles. Measuring how the volatile concentration varies within an embayment can provide information about how fast magma ascended to feed an eruption. 

A team of geologists studied embayments that were found in  quartz crystals that erupted 1.3 million years ago in the Mesa Falls Tuff, which formed Henrys Fork Caldera, in southeast Idaho, just west of Yellowstone National Park. Samples were collected from a 1-meter (3-foot) deposit of ash fall that is directly overlain by about 10 meters (33 feet) of ash that formed from hot pyroclastic flows.  

The water content in glass embayments was determined using a technique called Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) with equipment at Lawrence-Berkeley National Lab in California. The exceptional resolution of the instrument resulted in maps of water content with one-of-a-kind detail—down to a few micrometers (about 0.0001 inch)! Unexpectedly, water concentrations in Mesa Falls embayments increase towards the embayment mouths—from 1.0 weight percent (wt.%) in the interior to about 2 wt.% close to the embayment mouth. 

Photomicrograph showing water distribution in a quartz-hosted embayment, with greater concentrations at the embayment mouth. Includes a plot showing that the temperature in which the water circulated must have been about 500 degrees Celsius.
(A) Water distribution in a quartz-hosted embayment measured with synchrotron Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy. Warmer colors indicate higher concentrations of water.  Dashed line shows a transect of water content that is modeled in panel (B) to indicate that the emplacement temperature of the ash flow deposit must have been about 500 °C (930 °F). Figure by Kenneth Befus, University of Texas at Austin.

The pronounced increase in water and its molecular composition indicate that meteoric water—which comes from precipitation (rain and snow)—is somehow part of the embayment. This is unexpected, because the embayment should just host water that was dissolved in the magma, and an influence from rainwater had never previously been described. After some initial confusion, the geologists studying the embayments realized that they record something that happened after the crystals were erupted. 

Decades ago, archaeologists discovered that volcanic glass, like obsidian, hydrates when it is exposed to moisture. The thickness of ‘hydration rinds’ on obsidian artifacts can be used to determine the age that an obsidian artifact was buried. Using the same principles, geoscientists recognized that hydration of glasses from past volcanic eruptions can be used to reconstruct geologic processes related to climate, hydrology, topography, faulting, and even volcanoes.

In the case of the Mesa Falls eruption, geologists used the hydration rinds in the quartz crystal embayments to understand what the region looked like after the eruption occurred. Heat from the cooling Mesa Falls ash flow created a high-temperature hydrothermal (hot water) system that was active for a few decades. The hot water circulated through the ash flow and the underlying ash fall, and some of the water was absorbed into the crystal embayments. The temperature of the ash flow must have been around 500 °C (930 °F) for this to happen. 

Black and while photo if a valley with numerous scattered steam vents and a mountain range in the distance.  Tents are in the foreground.
Campsite of Griggs expedition of 1917 on bench at north toe of Mount Cerberus near Katmai, Alaska. View to north-northwest down Lethe arm of the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. Photo courtesy of National Geographic Society.

Similar year-to-decade hydrothermal systems produced by pyroclastic flow deposits have been scientifically observed and photographed at Pinatubo in the Philippines after its 1991 eruption, and at Mount St. Helens in Washington State following its 1980 eruption. The most analogous system, however, may be in Alaska. A scientific expedition first reached the area of the Novarupta in 1916, 4 years after its massive eruption caused the collapse of Katmai volcano and formed a caldera that looks much like Crater Lake in Oregon. The expedition christened a nearby valley as the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes because "the whole valley as far as the eye could reach was full of hundreds, no thousands – literally tens of thousands – of smokes curling up from the fissured floor". The "smokes" that the expedition described were the surface manifestation of the hydrothermal system produced by depositing a hot pyroclastic flow across a wet, cold landscape.

The water enrichments preserved in the Mesa Falls quartz-hosted embayments allow us to look back 1.3 million years and see Yellowstone as a barren, steaming landscape, perhaps much like the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes in Alaska appeared in 1916. Granted, Yellowstone is famous today for its modern hydrothermal system highlighted by Old Faithful and the geyser basins. Although magnificent, those systems are isolated and limited by comparison to what might have existed after the Mesa Falls eruption—a Yellowstone landscape blanketed with gray ash, with the only break in that monotonous gray landscape being thousands, tens of thousands, or maybe even millions of "smokes."


More information about this research can be found in the following publication: Befus, K. S., Thompson, J. O., Allison, C. M., Ruefer, A. C., and Manga, M. (2024). Rehydrated glass embayments record the cooling of a Yellowstone ignimbrite. Geology, v. 52, no. 7, p. 507–511,

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