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What is a reasonable timeframe for Bureau approval? [066]

In FY2017 the average approval time was six business days, but the length of time for Bureau approval depends on a number of factors including length and complexity. Contacting your BAO in advance is recommended. [Read more]

The length of time for Bureau approval depends on a number of factors such as the length and complexity of the information product, the overall quality and editorial clarity of the presentation, the workload of the approving official, the completeness of the review documentation in IPDS (for example, clearly labeled file records), and so forth. For example, a short paper might take less than one day, whereas a 500-page report will take longer. The average approval time for information products approved by BAOs (excluding abstracts, presentations, posters and data releases and including occurrences where additional information or reviews were required) for FY2017 was six business days. Authors should contact the approving official in advance to ensure that the timeframe in which approval is needed can be met.