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What happens after a manuscript for a scientific information product has received Bureau approval? [068]

After Bureau approval, the author returns the manuscript to the PSC [USGS Series Reports] or submits to the outside entity [e.g. journal editor, cooperator, etc]. For outside publications, author uploads approved manuscript and disseminates [IPDS record is closed and goes to the dark archive]. [Read more]

After Bureau approval, the author can return the manuscript to the PSC for production and publication, if it is to be a USGS publication series product, or submit the manuscript  to the outside entity (for example, journal, cooperator, or symposium publisher) for publication. Before dissemination, approved digital manuscripts and a copy of the final manuscript sent to the journal (referred to as the accepted manuscript) must be added to the IPDS. Once the dissemination step occurs the IPDS record is closed. The routing record that demonstrates FSP compliance and all documents are removed from the active portion of IPDS and go to the IPDS dark archive. The routing record can be retrieved from the dark archive through the custom reports tool in IPDS. Other documents may be retrieved from the dark archive by contacting the IPDS help desk. Once the record is closed no new documents may be added.