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Beyond supervisor and science center director concurrence, what additional requirements must be considered before USGS authors can submit a manuscript to a preprint server? [195]

For manuscripts posted on preprint servers, preprint product type must be used in IPDS, USGS data must be publicly released, the preprint disclaimer must be added to the manuscript, and two USGS-initiated peer reviews and BAO approval must be obtained prior to submission to the preprint server. [Read more] 

Follow one of two IPDS workflows:

  • Workflow 1 – If the manuscript is being submitted for release by an independent preprint server (for example, BioRxiv, EarthRxiv) prior to final publication as a journal article, USGS series report, or cooperator report, then the author will need to create two information product records in the IPDS. One of the information products will be the product type of preprint, and the other will be the product type of the final publication outlet. The same two USGS-initiated peer reviews can be used for both products.  If the final product is a journal article, then you will follow approach 1 for peer-reviewed journal submissions, and further review and approval may be required if the journal peer-review process results in substantial changes to the information product. If the final product is a USGS series publication, then you will follow the process for a superseding series publication 
  • Workflow 2 – If the manuscript is being submitted to a journal for which a preprint or early view version will be released in advance of the final journal volume or edition, the author will need just one information product record in the IPDS with the product type of journal article. Review and approval of the manuscript will follow approach 1 for peer-reviewed journal submissions and further review and approval may be required if the journal peer-review process results in substantial changes to the information product.

If USGS data support the scientific conclusions reached in the preprint, similar to other USGS-authored information products with associated data, these data must be released in accordance with USGS Data Release requirements (SM 502.8) and the USGS Public Access Plan concurrently or before the preprint is published. Once the data are published and the manuscript receives Bureau approval, the manuscript may be posted on a preprint server.

Add the following statement to the top of a Bureau-approved preprint manuscript before submission to a preprint server to distinguish it from a preprint authored outside USGS that has not been peer reviewed:

  • This information product has been peer reviewed and approved for publication as a preprint by the U.S. Geological Survey.