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Ablation of snow‐fields at high altitudes by radiant solar heat

Snow‐fields and the so‐called névés of glaciers on lofty mountains often present a peculiar, honeycombed appearance, the surface being pitted with deep cell‐like hollows a foot or two feet in diameter and from a few inches to several feet in depth. When typically developed these hollows are closely spaced, the divides between them consisting merely of attenuated blades and pinnacles of hard, granu
F. E. Matthes

Appendix A—permeability

In the paper entitled “The measurement of the permeability of porous media for homogeneous fluids” by R. D. Wyckoff and others [42] a unit of permeability is proposed which is based on centimeters, seconds, and atmospheres of pressure (76 centimeters of mercury).In 1923, when the Hydrologic Laboratory of the United States Geological Survey was organized, much study was given to the question of a c
O. E. Meinzer

Report of the committee on chemistry of natural waters, 1933–34

The personnel of this Committee during the past year, practically the same as during the previous year, has been as follows: C. S. Howard, Chairman—United States Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. L. C. Case—Gypsy Oil Company, Tulsa, Oklahoma. W. D. Collins—United States Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. H. F. Flynn—United States Engineer Office, 35 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvani
C. S. Howard

Appendix C—A selected list of papers relating to ground‐water hydrology

In the following list brief statements have been added to certain references to call attention to special phases of ground‐water problems which are not apparent from the titles. Abstracts of most of these papers have been or will be published in the Annotated Bibliography of Economic Geology. 
A.N. Sayre

Appendix B—Lake and ground‐water levels

An outstanding achievement of the Section of Hydrology has been the work of the Committee on Glaciers in assembling the existing records of the advance and retreat of the glaciers in the Western States and in Alaska, encouraging various agencies in making periodic observations, systematizing and standardizing the work, and providing for the compilation and preservation of the data obtained from ye
O. E. Meinzer

Status of study of the frequency and magnitude of floods by the Mississippi Valley Committee of the Public Works Administration in collaboration with the United States Geological Survey

Active work under the recently authorized project relating to floods and their frequencies began in March, and such progress as may be reported at this time is largely that of organization and preliminary planning.One of the outstanding and impressive features of the organization is the provision for cooperative effort, whereby the mature judgment and possibly diverse viewpoints of various committ
Clarence S. Jarvis

Zoning of ore deposits in and adjoining the Leadville District, Colorado

The ore deposits in the heart of the Leadville district, Colorado, are divisible, as shown by Emmons, Irving, and Loughlin,2 into two main classes on the basis of mineral composition: "contact-metamorphic" silicates accompanied by iron oxides, which adjoin an obscure igneous stock, and mixed sulphides accompanied by manganosiderite and quartz gangue, which cut the "contact-metamorphic" deposits an
G. F. Loughlin, C. H. Behre

Mineral resources of Alaska: report on progress of investigations in 1932

No abstract available.
Philip S. Smith

Structural history of the fracture systems at Grass Valley, California

In the foregoing outline of the structural history of the Grass Valley intrusive the vein fractures are regarded as elements of the internal tectonics of the intrusive body itself. They originated in an early stage of the structural development of the region, and are equivalent to the marginal thrusts observed in the Yose-mite and along the Mother Lode system. As such, the vein fractures are of lo
W. D. Johnston, E. Cloos

Contributions to economic geology (short papers and preliminary reports), 1933

No abstract available.
Gerald F. Loughlin

A flora of Pottsville age from the Mosquito Range, Colorado

No abstract available.
C.B. Read

A fungus disease in fishes of the Gulf of Maine

1. A fungus disease of epidemic proportions was found in the common sea herring (Clupea harengus) throughout the Gulf of Maine. 2. The fungus was also found to infect the common winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) and the alewife (Pomobolus pseudoharengus). 3. The causative agent was found to be a species of fungus belonging to the genus Ichthyosporidium Caullery and Mesnil (1905). The
F. F. Fish
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