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The Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program is an innovator in mapping, field studies, data collection, and laboratory analyses, whose expertise is sought by other governmental agencies, educational institutions, and private companies. In turn, we seek collaborative research and development opportunities with similar groups.

Explore the data published by our scientists.

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Storm-Induced Overwash Extent

The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project exists to understand and predict storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This data release defines the alongshore extent of overwash deposits, determined from aerial photograph analysis, attributed to coastal processes during storm events. Note: This data release was versioned on June 11, 2024. Please see the Suggested Citation section f

Single-Beam Bathymetry Data Collected in March 2021 from Grand Bay and Point Aux Chenes Bay, Mississippi/Alabama

Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center in St. Petersburg, Florida (USGS - SPCSMC), conducted a single-beam bathymetry survey within Grand Bay and Point Aux Chenes Bay, Mississippi/Alabama, from March 3-6, 2021. Efforts were supported by the Estuarine and MaRsh Geology project (EMRG), and the data described will provide baseline bathymetric infor

Hydrodynamic and sediment transport data from San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay, California, 2020

The U.S. Geological Survey Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center collected hydrodynamic and sediment-transport data at shallow water sites in San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay, in northern San Francisco Bay between January and September 2020. The data were collected to determine hydrodynamic forcing, bed roughness, suspended-sediment concentration, and physical properties of the sediment bed. This

Flooding extent polygons for modelled wave-driven water levels in Florida with and without projected coral reef degradation

This data release presents projected flooding extent polygon (flood masks) shapefiles based on wave-driven total water levels for the State Florida (the Florida Peninsula and the Florida Keys). There are 12 associated flood mask shapefiles: one for each of four nearshore wave energy return periods (rp; 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-years), the current scenario (base) and each of the degradation scenario

Projected flooding extents and depths based on 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year wave-energy return periods for the State of Florida and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico before and after Hurricanes Irma and Maria due to the storms' damage to the coral reefs

This data release provides flooding extent polygons based on wave-driven total water levels for the coral lined coast of Florida and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The wave and sea-level conditions were then propagated using the XBeach over 100-m spaced shore-normal transects modified to account for base and post-storm scenarios. In situ observations following hurricanes Irma and Maria were used

Projected flooding extents and depths based on 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year wave-energy return periods for the State of Florida, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands for current and potentially restored coral reefs

This data release provides flooding extent polygons based on wave-driven total water levels for the coral lined coasts of Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The locations of the restoration lines along and across shore were defined by the presence of continuous coral/hardbottom habitat of greater than 100 m alongshore length and proximity to the 3-m depth contour. The wave and sea

Experimental coral-growth and physiological data and time-series imagery for Porites astreoides in the Florida Keys, U.S.A.

The USGS Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies project provides science that helps resource managers tasked with the stewardship of coral reef resources. This data release contains data on coral-growth rates and time-series photographs taken of colonies of the mustard hill coral, Porites astreoides, grown at four sites on the Florida Keys reef tract from spring 2015 to spring 2017. The data will be used t

Local Radiocarbon Reservoir Age (Delta-R) Variability from the Nearshore and Open-Ocean Environments of the Florida Keys Reef Tract During the Holocene and Associated U-Series and Radiocarbon Data

Holocene-aged corals from reef cores collected throughout the Florida Keys reef tract (FKRT; Fig. 1) were dated using a combination of U-series and radiocarbon techniques to quantify the millennial-scale variability in the local radiocarbon reservoir age (delta-R) of the shallow water environments of south Florida. delta-R provides a measure of the deviation of local radiocarbon concentrations of

Comparison of methane concentration and stable carbon isotope data for natural samples analyzed by discrete sample introduction module - cavity ring down spectroscopy (DSIM-CRDS) and traditional methods

A discrete sample introduction module (DSIM) was developed and interfaced to a cavity ring-down spectrometer to enable measurements of methane and CO2 concentrations and 13C values with a commercially available cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS). The DSIM-CRDS system permits the analysis of limited volume (5 - 100-ml) samples ranging six orders-of-magnitude from 100% analyte to the lower limit o

Shorelines Derived From Continuous Video-Imagery at the NASA-Kennedy Space Center, Florida From August 2011 to July 2012

In 2010, a video camera was installed near the northern boundary of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Kennedy Space Center (NASA-KSC) property along the Atlantic coast of Florida. A region extending 1 kilometer (km) to the south of the camera was established as the region of interest for the video image observations. During every daylight hour of camera operation from August 8, 201

Structure from motion products associated with UAS flights in Sandwich, Massachusetts between January 2016 - September 2017

Low-altitude (80-100 meters above ground level) Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) imagery of Town Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts, were used in a structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry workflow to create high-resolution topographic datasets. Imagery was collected at close to low tide on twelve days to observe changes in beach and dune morphology. Ground control points (GCPs), which are tem

Sedimentological and geotechnical analyses of marine sediment cores from the New England Mud Patch

Variability in sediment properties with depth and the thickness of individual sedimentary layers are critical determinants of seabed acoustic response. The New England Mud Patch, located south of Cape Cod, is an unusual feature on the U.S. Continental Shelf in that it is composed of fine-grained sediment layers containing a relatively-homogeneous mix of sand, silt, and clay-sized particles bounded
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